Biography and Journal of William I. Appleby,
Elder in the Church of Latter Day Saints,
Written by himself,
Recklesstown, New Jersey, July 6th A.D. 1848
LDS Archives MS 1401 FD. 1

Excerpts Related to 1847–48 Mission with
Ezra T. Benson (1811–1869)

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Dec 1847– Jan. 1848

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28 Having received my Instructions and papers from Prest B. Young necessary before my departure, I left in the afternoon on my return to the Eastern States, according to Counsel, accompanied by Bro Benson & Lyman of the twelve, and Elders E. Snow & Flannagan &c. going to St. Louis, and other places, along with Bro John Scott, who had a waggon with mules & with whom we rode when the roads would admit of it, and walked when they would not, we traveled about five miles, and tarried overnight at a place call “Allreds Settlement” with a widow lady by name of Rogers, whose Daughter in law, I was acquainted with, while she resided in the State of Connecticutt. I omitted to state that the Conference dismissed with a shout of “Hosanna! to God and the Lamb.” three times by the Congreagation. [At this conference Brigham Young was sustained as President of the Church.]

29. Left this morning about ten o’clock travelled about 20 miles and staid over night at Bro M--. Traveled the following day  about 25 miles, and staid over night at Mr. Waldins on the Ishnabotlang River 7 miles below Hunsuckers Ferry. We are now in Missouri having left Iowa to day. Continued our Journey early the following morning, traveled about 25 miles, and staid that night at a Mr. Bush’s who keeps a Ferry on the aforementioned River

1848 January 1st. Traveled to day about 25 miles and tarried overnight with a Bro Lake. My health is better, yet my bowels continue weak. I have not yet regained my natural strength, yet I trust in my Saviour, and believe I shall yet be preserved to proclaim his love and Gospel abroad, and bring many to a knowledge of the truth, and honor his holy name, Amen.

2; Sabbath Continued our Journey again; traveled about the same distance we did yesterday, staid over night W Mr Rains near the Town of Savannah Mo

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3 Jan Our progress being slow roads bad, and heavy laden, and it being necessary to prosecute our Journey as soon as possible, we concluded to hire a more speedy conveyance, Accordingly we chartered a carriage. Horse & Driver of A Mr. Abbott newe[?] Savannah to Convey us to Liberty in Clay County, about 70 miles distant, at the rate of Two dollars per Day & Expenses. Bro  Benson, Lyman Snow & myself being the company leaving Brs Flannagan Thoams &c to come on with Bro Scott We traveled about 31 miles, and staid over night at a Mr. McGuires

4. As we are not coming onto the Country inhabited by our enemies, and where the Church was mobbed, driven, and a great many of the Saints murdered &c, a few years ago, in what is termed the “Missouri Persecution” And Knowing the bitter enmity still that existed towards all that were called “Mormons” we deemed it prudent to travel “incog” while in Missouri. Accordingly we passed as gentlemen, travelling for our pleasure and convenience, under the assumed Titles of Col. Benson of Massachusetts, Esqure Mason of New Hampsihre (Mason being the middle name of Bro Lyman) Dr Snow of Boston, and Judge Appleby of New Jersy, each one corresponding with our Native State under the above appelation we traveled, and fared well, and good attention and care was our reception at the different Hotels and private Houses where we put up. We traveled about nine miles this morning early to a village called Plattsburugh, fed our Horses, took Breakfast &c. at Palmers Hotel. Here I fell in with a Mr. James Burtis Merchant in St. Louis with whom I became acquainted with in New Jersey.

   In crossing the Prairies to day I observed fourteen Deers, two flocks having six each in them, and two in the other, Arrived at Liberty about Sunset, put up at a Mr. Higgins Hotel, heretofore refered to. This same Mr. H was one of the keepers of the Jail in Liberty when Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith Lyman Wight and others were incarcerated by Mobs and currupt Judges in the Missouri persecution. Therefore we thought it prudent and wisdom to keep as to who we were a secret.

5. Left early this morning in the Stages, arrived at Richmond about Sun

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Down. There took another Coach, and proceeded on the same night over rough and frozen roads, weather extremely and piercing cold, about 46 miles, to a Town called Brunswick, where we arrived quite early the following morning - took Breakfast,. Then pursued our Journey, and arrived at the Town of Glasgow early in the evening.

On our Journey to day, we stopped at a Gentlemans House, which the Horses to the State &c were exchanging - by the  name of James Hereford living in Chariton County, Mo aged 74 years, has had three wives, issue by two deceased, five sons, and sixteen Daughters, the Eldest son, aged 53 years. The yougest a Daughter aged 13 years. One son has 19 Children all living except one I believe, while numbers of Children, grand Children &c 221 souls only one dead, a grandchild, amonge the whole. He married his third wife about twn days before we saw him. Her age is 34 years. Ten of his sons, and grand sons, volunteered their services in the army of the United States against Mexico. Nine returned, and one died. He owns Nine quarter sections (1440 Acres) of land all adjoining where he lives, besides several other Quarter Sections of Timber Land &c. not far off. Besides he owns fifteen Negro slaves. He has lived in the Country where he now resides ever since its first Settlement, and has made his riches by perseverance, and industry, if we are to Judge by his own conversation, He appears to be sanguine in his belief, and also his desire, to raise up another offspring. The foregoing I received from his own mouth, and renderd the same in my Journal, considering the brief History of Mr. Hereford remarkable in regard to the Longevity of his family their prolificness &c.

7. Left Glasgow about 3 o clock this morning. on our way to Hannibal on the Mississippi RIver (expecting there to take passage in a Boat down to St Louis as we were informed the River were open and clear of ice, and the Steamboats running) arrived at a Town called Paris, thirty miles distant, early in the evening, the day being like Spring, the breeze soft and mellow - staid over night at the Hotel,



8. Left early this morning in a violent snow storm, and very cold, such are the sudden changes of weather in this country. After a disagreeable ride over a rough and hilly road of some forty miles, Breaking the stage, repairing and nigh upsetting several times, (the top of the stage carrying and bearing the stains unwashed of the blood of the maimed victims that had been hurt by the upsetting of the same a few days before), we arrived at the Town of Hannibal, about ten o clock at night. Took lodgings at the City Hotel.

9. Sabbath, we tarried at Hannibal, waiting for a Steam Boat to come down the River (as one or two had gone up) hoping thereby to get a passage to St. Louis. But the ice in the River is running and making very fast, the weather is very cold, and the wind piercing, so much so, I think it doubtful whether the boats will venture to return, at present.

On the following morning, seeing no prospect of a Boat as the River was nearly closed, we hired a Mr. Ore that kept a Livery Stable in Hannibaal, to convey us to St. Louis in a Carriage, a distance of about 120 miles by land, for which we agreed to pay him thirty dollars. Accordingly we left about ten o clock A.M. with our baggage &c After travelling over Hills Rivers Brooks mud mire &c (for the weather moderated very fast in a few days) we arrived safe at St. Louis on Friday the 14th Inst. [January 1848] about noon, Feeling greatful, and truly thankful to our Heavenly Father for our Deliverance. Put up at Bro Hunhams. Our expenses being about 30 Dollars each since we left the Camp at the Bluffs!

At St. Louis we tarried several days, attending to business and arranging matters &c in regard to our different missions. We also got an Epistle from the “twelve” To the Saints throughout the world, Kings, Rulers, &c published here, I attended to the printing, reading the Proof Sheet, punctuation &c.

In passing through Missouri I saw several places [abhated?] in the History of the persecutions of the Saints in that State, As the Jail at Liberty where confined some in Irons I believe At Richmond



there is a post standing yet where Bro Amasa Mason Lyman was chained fast to A Log Meeting House near Fishing River where the Saints were encamped. A Mob from the Town of Liberty &c was coming upon them when a violent and sudden storm arose in the night of Rain, wind, Thunders lightning and great Hail. The River arose about 20 feet in a short time which prevented the Mov from getting over. Thus the Saints were protected.

20. Having accomplished our business in St. Louis, Brs. Benson, Snow, and myself left in the afternoon in the Steamer Brooklyn for Louisville, Kentucky (Brs. Lyman, Flannagan & Thomas we left at St. Louis, expecting to go South in a few days) whern we arrived safe on monday morning the 24th Inst [January 1848] In passing along the River Ohio I discovered the wreck of the Steamer “Sea Bird” lying at Cape Giradieu that had been blown up a few weeks before She had on board 1200 kegs of Powder, when she took fire near the wharf. The concussion was so great as to do considerable damage to the houses in the vicinity. Although there were no lives lost. The broken lights of glass and shattered windows in the Houses of the town bespeak the shock, and force of the explosion!

Left Louisville at 10 o clock on the same morning we arrived in the Splendid Steamer Fashion, -  arrived at N. Cincinanatti 150 miles distant the next morning about one o clock.

At Cincinatti we fell in with Elder O. Hyde on his return from Philadelphia to the Camp having been absent a few weeks.

25. Left Cincinnatti this morning about 11 o clock in the Steamer Pennsylvania for Wheeling Virginia where we arrived on friday morning following. There took our seats. Bro Benson & myself (Bro Snow having gone on to Pittsburgh thence by way of the Lakes to Batavia New York) in the State for Cumberland 130 miles distant where we arrived after a tiresome ride the following morning. Thence by Cars to Baltimore 180 miles, and thence By Cars to Philadelphia where we arrived on Sabbath morning following about 3 o clock. Addressed the Saints there on the Sabbath. On monday attended



to some business matters in the City and arrived at Home N. Jersey on Tuesday evening February First [1848] (Br. Benson was going to New York) where I found my family well. Thanks, praise, and adoration be given to my Heavenly Father through Jesus my Rredeemer for this and all other blessings and mercies I enjoy, Amen.

Feby 4. [1848] Left home again this morning on business for the Church. went to New York, there met with Elder Benson, arranged our business, preached twice on the Sabbath there, had a good time of rejoicing with the Saints, and on Monday following proceeded on my way to  Boston (Br. Benson stopping at Fair Haven Connecticut) Lowell, Nashua to Peterborough in the State of New Hampshire, where I was taken sick, having contracted a very heavy cold, that appeared to settle in my lungs &c. In a few days however I recovered so as to pursue my Journey into Vermont, thence into New Hampshire again to Clermont over the mountains by day, and by night, in a Sleigh, Sometimes in a stage, weather extremely Cold, and returned to Boston again in about two weeks, having collected of the Saints in that time where I had traveled, Two hundred and Eighty Dollars clear of expenses for the relief of the Church in the west.

At Boston I met with Elders Benson (paid the means I had collected over to him) Little Snow Badlam &c. After going through the city of Boston for Several Days in company with Elder Badlam, soliciting aid and donations of the rich and influential of the city for the relief of the poor &c of the Church at Council Bluffs I left and went ot the city of Salam (Celebrated in History for the burning of witches &c) in company with Elder W. Pages to make some solicitations there.



March 4. Elder Benson left Boston this afternoon for the State of Connecticut. I tarried in Boston to receive further donations, and attend to the affaris of the Church there in regards to our Mission. Our success in raising means has come up to near our expectations, or at least to mine! [Gives an account of a speech he gave on the state of the world.]



[Continuation of the speech, then news of John Quincy Adam’s death on the 13th.] I left Boston this morning in the Cars, went to New Bedford, arrived there about 11 A.M. staid there until the following day, in the afternoon having received about seven dollars * [Footnote “*upwards of sixty dollars had been received there before by Elder Little &c.] donations for the benefit of the Church from New Bedford to Fall River where one gentelman Benjn Ruggles Esq owner of several large Manufacturing Establishments, presented me with five Dollars, Thence to Newport Rhode Island where I received some twelve dollars more. From thence I proceeded by Steamboat down the [Sound?] to



New York, where I met with Elder Benson. Paid over to him the monies I had received, expenses excepted, and arrived at home New Jersey on Saturday Evening the 18th Inst. [March 1848]. Found my Mother quite unwell and some more of my family with Colds. But great reason of being thankful, it was as well with them, and no worse than I found them

21. I left home again and went to Philadelphia, met Br. Benson who had come on from New York. After assisting him in the city preparing to leave for the Camp. Filing some bills for Books &c for Prest. B. Young Stationery &c for Joseph Young & others, and having them neatly packed in a Box together with a lot of Carpenters tools, presented by our esteemed friend Col. T. S. Kane. to Prest. B. Young. heretofore refered to, and properly directed for St. Louis &c to be forwarded to the Camp. I returned home on monday evening the 27th Inst. [March 1848] Leaving Elder Benson in the City who expected to leave in a day or two for the West.

Thus I have been preserved, protected and blessed of the Lord, and I feel to thank and praise his high and holy name for it, and for all I enjoy. We have raised altogether, Brs. Benson, Snow, Little, Badlam, Page & myself of the Saints and of others not members of the Church here in the Eastern States, for the benefit of the Church at Council Bluffs about fourteen or fifteen hundered Dollars * [Footnote: “*exclusive of expenses”] May the Lord reward all those who have administered to our wants in any way and praise be rendered to him for what we have received towards alleviating and relieving the wants of his suffering and afflicted people. Amen.

April 7 [1848] Since I arrived at home, I have been preparing my Garden, planting seeds &c some part of the time somewhat indisposed. Left home again this morning for Philadelphia, met Elder Badlam there, who had received about sixty dollars more of the Saints there, for to be forwarded to Elder Benson, who had left a few days before for St. Louis. The following morning I sent sixty Dollars by Adams & Co. Express to deposit with Mr. Beach New York to be telegraphed by him to Beach & Eddy of St. Louis Mo. for them to Credit Elder Benson with the same, according to his instructions previous to his leaving for the Camp.

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Lines to Sister Benson, on her husband, Elder E.T. Benson, Mission from the Camp at Council Bluffs, Iowa, to the Eastern States, to solicit means for the Emigration fo the Church, relief of the Poor, &c. By W.I.A. [William I. Appleby]                     

                                                                        Boston Mass January 1848.

1. Dear Sister in the Lord, I Join
With brother B. some lines to write
Our faith and spirits both combin’d
To pray for you, we both write

  2. I feel to realize your State:
When last I saw you from him part.
You calmly bowd unto your duty
But trickling tears bespoke your heart.

  3. He took your hand and bid adieu:
And with his brethren then did start
Our Journey far, for to pursue
As brethren of one mind and heart

  4. To make the wants of Zion known.
And raise some means--asuage her grief—
To stop her sighs, her tears and moans—
To aid the Camp and bring relief 

5. We laid our cause before the Lord
His spirit said you shall be bless’d:
Just persevere, Keep all my words:
And you shall meet with good success; 

6. And truly he has been our friend
And means are rolling in our hands,
We’ll fill our mission to the end.
And send the same to Zion’s land.

  7. Then rest in peace dear lady do
Until the mission he fulfils—
Then he’ll his way to camp pursue
And rest with you on Zion’s hills—

Lines composed and dedicated to E.T. Benson on board the Steamer Pennsylvania, Ohio River, Jany 1848, on the foregoing mission, by W.I.A. [William I. Appleby]

  1. Let God be praise’d while angels sing
And all the Saints adore
Myself my all on him I fling
I can do nothing more 

2. Thus by his grace I’ll persevere
In rolling on his cause.—
Until my days are ended here.
In keeping of his laws— 

3. Our trials here will soon be o’er
Then let us lift our voice—.
And raise the means he has in store.
And make the Saints rejoice.


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20. [April 1848] Received a letter this morning from Elder Benson informing me that he arrived safe at St. Louis on the 7th Inst. and was going to leave again for the Camp at the Bluffs on the evening of 11th Having Chartered the Steamer “Mandan” About 200 Saints were on board, loaded with freight &c all well.

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21. . . . I received a letter this morning from Mr. Lewis Beach N. Y. acknowledging the receipt of Sixty dollars for E.T. Benson from me—wrote to Elder Benson the same day.

[There references to other funds raised for the Saints after Elder Benson left.]