ET Benson Journal 1857

Historical Department Archives
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
MS 1531 (last item on the film)

Transcribed by Benson Y. Parkinson, February 2003

Note: This journal covers only the second half of Ezra T. Benson’s 1856–57 mission to England. I have not located any other journal. However, the Millennial Star includes reports from Ezra T. Benson that are doubtless based on his journal and that include daily entries covering much of the first half of his mission. See the following issues: 15 Nov. 1856 (18:46:731–32), 10 Jan. 1857 (19:2:26–27), 31 Jan. 1857 (19:5:75–77), and 11 Apr. 1857 (19:15:236). The Star also includes several speeches he gave during the mission. See also

Elder E. T. Benson’s
Private Journal
No 2

[the following appears to be in a different hand]
This Book was obtained from Mr. R. T. Stites [?]
Feb 2nd 1932
he purchased it in
a second hand store


April 7th 1857

Teusday 7th 1857 Left my Lodgings at No 6 Richard Street Lime house feilds London in company with Elder Wm Budge for Elder Teasdales at 33 Robert Street Sommer-Town where we met Elder John L. Smith & Thomas Bullock. After partaking of a hearty dinner we all Started to and visited the Zoolological Gardens.

The grounds of this much frequened place are well laid out, and the collection of anamals is very good and large. We next visited other parts of the City and called at Mr Bensons Ludgate Hill where I left my Watch for repairs we then walked to the general Post Office where we seperated Elders Bullock & Budge going to 35 Ilwin Street and John L Smith going with me to my Lodgings at Richard Street

Wednesday 8th [April 1857] Elder Budge and myself Left London for Cambridge where we


arrived about five in the afternoon. We spent the evening with Pastor Lavender and Elder Lavender in council, and talked and agreed upon certain changes for the benifit of the Cambridge Conference among others were the dispensing with the Conference House, and with the Cambridge Branch Meeting Room both entailing expense without accomplishing any good whatever.

Thursday 9th [April 1857] Spend this day counseling and teaching the Brethren and Saints and went to meeting in the evening. We had a number of Saints and a few Strangers.

Friday 10th [April 1857] Elders Lavender Budge and myself went this morning and heard the celebrated Mr. Spurgon preach on the Atonement of Christ. He tryed to show that all mankind were justifyed


through the Atonement of Christ without any works of their own, and that works done by men with a view to justify themselves were an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. This Gentleman is at present very popular among the Gentiles he allways draws a large congregation, and is endeed very attractive in his preaching. He speakes with great fluency and in a free and easy manner seemingly careless of the worlds opinion. he makes his meaning plain by interesting similitudes, and makes a very forceable aplication of his sentences, and speaks in a determined manner; in apearance he is about the middle size and strongly built. His face is full, large mouth with thick lips, and ranks among the first class Gentile preachers.

This afternoon we went according to appointment and preached in the Saints Chapel and a very good meeting.

[p. 4]

In the evening we met again with the Saints, and heard several of the Elders, that had been traveling through the Conference.

Saturday 11th [April 1857] Left this morning for Norwich in company with Elder Lavender & Budge, and dineed with Elder Scott President of the Norwich Conference After spending the afternoon very profitably with the Brethren, and went in the evening to the Saints Chaple where we held a council meeting. I here found much confustion among the Elders, and dissatisfaction with the courses taken by the President of the Conference. It was nothing but jealosey which had crept among them in consequence of a change of Presidents. After some talking they all became reconciled and covanted to forget the past. On the whole I


have found a great lack of the Spirit of the Gospel not only among the Saints but among the Elders also. They are about six months behind the times and after takeing all things into concideration I concluded to remove Elder Lavender to Labour in another part of the vinyard and Bro Daniel Page will suceed

Sunday 12th [April 1857]

Attended meeting in the comodious chapel belonging to Elder Speirs, now liveing in Deseret, (Iron County) Elder Wm Budge addressed the Saints in the morning on the Order of the Priesthood. In the afternoon I preached a sermon two hours long on the Reformation and Words of Wisdom with great freedom and the result was that Teapots were laid up to dry by the dozen


and Snuff Boxes, Tobacco Boxses, and old Pipes were thrown into the fire, and it did seem that a reformation had begun in very deed. In the evening Elder Budge addressed the congregation on the first Principles of the Gospel, many Strangers were present and numbers belived the words that were spoken. The chapel was full all day.

Monday13th [April 1857]

Receved a letter from President Pratt and letters from severel others, and I answered some communications then went in Company with Elder Budge to a counsel meeting in the Saints Chapel. A number of Elders were set apart to go to the Gentiles without Purse or scrip and good feeling prevaded the assembly. We dined at Elder Woods and in the evening and again with the Saints in the Chapel


and had an excellent time. Elder Budge and myself addressed them of the Subject of Tithing and Emmigration Words of Wisdom &c and the Spirit was much with us.

Teusday 14th [April 1857]

Left early for the Town of Beccles where there is a Small Branch of the Church, but in bad condition as we found. It rains very fast and is very cold.

We went to Elder Brewers (President of Beccles Branch) and dined with him and family after which the Saints numbring about as many as went into Noahs Ark came together and we preached to them, and made them feel good. About five oclock we left Beccles for Lowestost where we met with the Saints in the evening in a comfortable little Chapel built by Brother Neslen. We found the Saints quite dull and lifeless, but they promised


to reform and I belive they will. I told the Presiding Elder that it apeared that he and many of the Elders thought that the Lord was going to lift them by the seat of the Panteloons and place them in the Valley without any exertion on their own part, for they had done Nothing to assist themselves nor had they laid any plan before the Saints to assist them.

Wednesday 15th [April 1857]

Took train to Norwich and visited the house of Mr Pigg Teacher of Languages in compliance with an invitation from his Daughters & Sons, we had an interesting time, and Blessed the Sons & Daughters. We then left Norwich for Wymondham where we attended a meeting in the Saints Hall and enjoyed much of the Spirit in Speaking to Saints and Strangers. We Lodged at Sister Miseman and she made us as comfortable as possible.


Thursday 16th [April 1857]

Left Wymondham for Branden took dinner at the Presiding Elders, wrote several letters had some refreshments with a good Sister liveing in the neighbourhood after which we walked about a mile and a half into the country, and offered up prayers in a beautifull Grove of Timber which was very refreshing to us. We returned and attended meeting in the Saints Chaple. Elder Budge addressed the Saints and Strangers about an hour on the first Principles of the Gospel. I then following spoke some time, but there was a Spirit of darkness in the place the whole evening. After meeting the Saints who had any faith followed us to our Lodgings where I reproved them for there Slothfulness and exhorted them in the name of the Lord to repent and serve the Lord with all their hearts. During our conversation one of the Brethren


remarked that they had got Brother Benson here once, but he did not think they would ever have him again. They seemed to realize thier Situation and lay it to heart.

Friday 17th [April 1857]

Took Train to Bishopstortford where we arrived about 2 oclock and dined at the House of Elder Brazier President of the Branch of the Church in this place. Wrote considerable in my Journal, and spent a pleasant time with the Saints who visited us. In the evening we went to meeting and had a good time, and the Saints feel well. We lodged at the House of Elder Brazier North Street Bishopstortford.

Saterday 18th [April 1857]

Took Train for London arrived 11 A.M. at 6 Richard St found Bro Ross waiting to receive us read some letters visited through the city &c


Sunday 19th [April 1857]

In the afternoon I preached in Eusten Hall to nice congregation of Saints & Strangers. my Text was ad to your faith virtue knoledge &c I endeaverd to show that mankind could not be saved with out it, then showed the sectarian was trying to be saved without it knowledge in the Evening in Co with Bro Ross I preached at Paddington on the first principals of the Gospel

Monday 20th [April 1857]

In Co with Bro Ross and Penrose Breston Hill 5 miles from London on a visit to Bro Smith in the Evening I preached in the Walworth Branch on the order of the kingdom and the necesity of warning our neighbor

Tuesday 21th [April 1857]

Remained in my room correcting my sermon Preached in White


Chapel in the Evening of the 6 inst to the pristhood of the London Conference in the after noon Bro. Ross Budge Penrose Sister Teasdale Caroline Goswold came in to see me Sister Smith and her daughter were present we had a good visit

Wednesday 22th [April 1857]

Left London 9 1/4 A.M. took dinner with Bros Jones & Lunt 2 P M I took the Train in Company with Bro Lunt for Longton held a meeting in the Saints Chappel we both occupied the time

Thursday 23th [April 1857]

Took train for Macclesfield 2 P.M arrived in time to hold an Evening meeting the Bellman had been round through the Town crying that a Mormon Apostle would preach when the time


arrived the hall was filled and many came that could not get in I preached for one hour with good attention after I was through there was a scripture reader present wanted to which of the Apostles I was Paul or Judas I told him to ask the Lord he then wanted to know how many wifes Bro Brigham had I told him he had as many as the Lord was a mind to give him. I told him I had come there to ask him how many prostitutes he had, the people cryed out hear hear many other things were said but they did make anything off me much good will result from this meeting

Friday 24th [April 1857]

Took train for Liverpool 9 1/4 A M came in the exspress First Class from Manchester arrived at the office


12 A.M. found Bro Pratt and the Clerks had just left for the ship that was to sail on the 25 two days sooner than the time set, Bro Lunts things were scattered all over the country he exspected to have been president on board takeing all these things at once, it threw him into considerable confusion. Bro Mathew Cowley was appointed Prest Bro Lunt & Linquist his councilers there was on board the Westmoreland bound for Philadelphia 543 Souls from Scandinavia

Saturday 25th [April 1857]

Staid in the office corrected the minutes of my council meeting with the Elders in Wales wrote some letters to the brethren

Sunday 26th [April 1857]

I preached this morning in the assembly rooms and Evening I told the Saints they were dull and


lifeless they need to repent and live their religion purify santify your selves before God add virtue to faith knowledge &c attend to there prayers & get the fire of Zion in them and next Sunday bring some of it with you Bro Pratt gave us some good doctrine

Monday 27th [April 1857]

I Received a letter from Adeline dated Feb 1th good news remained in my room the most of the day writing in the Evening Walked out with Bro Ray and W. J. Smith

Tuesday 28th [April 1857]

Remained in the office writing letters to my family giveing them all the Items concerning my mission that would be interesting gave them a list of Books & some other things that Bro Lunt had for them


Wednesday 29th [April 1857]

Walked through the city in company with Bro Pratt took a view of the procession of the American Circus as it passed down London road it was crowded with people for miles one carrage was drawn by 40 cream coloured horses 4 abreast, in the Evening I went with Bros Ray & Kay to Birkenhed to meeting I preached on the penny fund &c

Thursday 30th [April 1857]

Remained in the office finished up my letters for Elizabeth & Mary counciled some with Bro Pratt and so passed the day

Friday May 1th [1857]

Remained in the office untill Evening wrote some letters, read some in Company with Bro Pratt Elizar Crooks


Anne Eckford attended the Great American Circus verry good but have seen better rideing in the Amphi Theater in London

Saturday 2th [May 1857]

Left Liverpool 15 minutes past one P.M. for Birmingham arrived 5 P.M. put up with Bro. Charles F. Jones 58 Albion Street. I found the city was play carded for Bro Pratt and myself to lecture in the musick hall next monday

Sunday 3th [May 1857]

At 11 A.M. the pristhood in this conference met in the Thorp street Chapel it was filled the Prest of Branches reported their situation it was verry good the work is [? maybe “onward”] in this place the meeting [? maybe “held four”] hours Bros Muir Jones occupied part of the time, I preached some of one hour in the evening I preached the house full


Monday 4th [May 1857]

wrote some letters took dinner in Company with Bros Muir Jones Taylor with Bro Green had a first rate one done up in regular English Style 3 1/2 P.M. Bro Pratt arrived 7 1/2 P.M. we all repared to the hall, the mostly had arrived and took there seats in good order. the meeting was opened by singing the Saints sung beautifull full of melody Bro Jones prayed Bro Pratt took his text in the 11 Chapter of Isaiah 11 verse, he talk about 15 minutes began to touch on our prophet and Book Mormon they began to hiss and bawl out such yells never worse from hell for sure it was from the verry spoon of hell there was at least 2000 persons present [? maybe “Prest Orson”] then arose to speak and for [? maybe “five”] minutes attention was given he com


menced by stating that they came to preach the truth. And the truth would save them. But on Testifying to the mission of Joseph a general uproar took among the blackguard assembled. who hooted yelled and bellowed like the very devil. but in spite of all their uproar he made the hall ring with testimony of Joseph that he was a prophet of the most High God. The meeting concluded, but the Bretheren had to wait some time in the private room of the Hall in Consequence of an enormous mob having collected on the outside of the building whose hearts were filled with blood and would have mobbed


the bretheren. had not the Lord brought confusion into their midst. and yelling like fiends they dispersed. on arriving back at our lodging we found a number of Saints anxiously awaiting to know whether they had maltreated us or not but thank God we got through Safe the Lord was with us. And the Lord will turn these doings to the good of the Church in this place. and all the opposition made to us shall return on the heads of those who were the authors of it. while on the other hand it will all tend roll on the kingdom of God and further the interest of his work.


Tuesday 5th [May 1857]

Remained in my room in the forenoon with the brethren. Bro Pratt read the Mormon wrote an Editorial for the Star we wrote some letters the brethren after dinner we took a walk visited a few of the saints Took supper with Bro Jones mother is not as yet in the church, in the Evening we repaired to Thorp St Chapel it was crowded to brim Bro Pratt occupied the time spoke with much freedom, took up W. W. Drummond report to the Attorney General of the U. N. States showed up his lies and base calumny. he then dwelt at some length on the worldliness and abominations of this English nation the reason the lord had born with them so long was because the lord never sent his prophet among them


Wednesday 6th [May 1857]

Took Train 3 P.M. for Derby arrived 5 1/2 P.M. we was met at the station by Bros King & Higby in the Evening we held a meeting in the Saints hall. I preached about one half our on the first principals a good many strangers present Bro Pratt spoke on divine mission of the prophet Joseph showed the inconsitancy for anyone to suppose that a youth 14 or 15 years old could undertake such a work and receive the oposition that he did unless it had been the work of the lord, there is 60.000 inhabitants in this Town the most important buisness is manufacturing silk we lodged 40 Carrington St

Thursday 7th [May 1857]

Took Train 11 A M for Leister arrived about 12 M met in the Evening held a meeting the hall was ful


Bro Pratt spoke with Great freedom one hour & a half on the gethering showing if Bro. Joseph had not conncted the gethering with his mission he would have been an imposture or if he had tried to have done it with out the administration of an angel, as the scriptures show most clearly that an apostacy would take place, and the condition of the showes that it has taken place as they deny all inspiration, there 70.000 inhabitants in this place manufacture hosiery

Friday 8th [May 1857]

Took train 11 A.M. for Loughton arrived about 12 M put up with Bro Thomas Henderson took a walk through the Town. in the evening we held a meeting in the Saints hall it was full I occupied the first half hour. Bro Pratt then took up the subject of gethering


Saturday 9th [May 1857]

Took Train for Nottingham 11 A.M. arrived 12 1/2 M put up at Bro. John Cooks Bro Thoms R King has accompanied us from Derby to this place walked out through the Town about 120.000 inhabitants they manufacture lace in the evening some of the brethren and sisters came in sung of there good songs of Zion

Sunday 10th [May 1857]

The Saints in the neighbouring branches met in assembly Rooms about 1200 in all present, a first rate meeting all day Bro Pratt and mysel occupied the time the subject was on the gethering the mission of prophet Joseph & Brigham the arthorities of the Church

Monday 11th [May 1857]

In company with Bros Pratt King Cook & Harriet Scottom we Took a


Cab 2 1/2 P.M. for Mansfield 14 miels form this place arrived about 6 oclock took supper at Bro Simeon Orton after which we repaired to the Hall three branches met together and quite a number of strangers were in I preached on the first principals Bro Pratt gave the Sanits some good instructions, asked them if they could belive that there friends in the Valley had become so much worse than they were when here as the majority went from this land we returned the same evening to Nottingham

Tuesday 12th [May 1857]

This morning the Salt Lake mail arrived one letter from Prest Young dated 27 last [Jany?] I rejoyced much over it also one from each of my wifes some from my children all bringing


me cheering news Bro Pratt and myself kept our room all day reading letters Deseret news Mormon &c we took supper at Bro James Hokey in the evening met with the Saints the hall was ful I preached the necesity of everry one having a knowledge of the truth of the Gospel in order to stand in the day of trial. Bro Pratt laid before the Sisters the marrage covernant told them in great plainness what they would loose by marrying out of the church, spoke on the whoredoms and prostitutions of this country Said there was 100,000 prostitutes now runing in the streets of London supported by the marred men as well as single

Wednesday 13th [May 1857]

Took train 12 M for Chesterfield put up with Bro Joseph Wilson Alma place met Bros L. H. Hatch Roberson Pierce took dinner Bro Pratt read in the Star


I walked out with Bro Hatch notified the people up and down the street as we passed our meeting was held in White Head Hall it was well attened I preached on the testimony of the Bible and Book of Mormon Bro Pratt preached for one hour & a half with great power his subject was the wickedness of this generation contrasted showed the differance between the people in Utah and this land in their virtue and habits the devil tried to break up the meeting but he was bound

Thursday 14th [May 1857]

Took train 2 P.M. for Masbro in Co with Bro Pratt & L H Hatch put up with Mr John Eastham his wife & daughters are in the church they have a nice house and we were made verry comfortable. we had a meeting in the Saints hall I gave them some of our principals Bro Pratt followed


Friday 15th [May 1857]

Took train for Sheffield then to Wortley near Sheffield to Bro Charels Foster Farmer walked out over the farm read Bro Kimballs sermons deliverd in the Tabernacle Dec & Jany last on Adultery &c in the Evening some of our sisters came in we had some good singing violin musick by Bro Foster his son and a stranger

Saturday 16th [May 1857]

Remained in my room reading praying fasting took a Walk out to a little grove with Bro Pratt & Hatch & offered up prayers for ourselves familys and the prosperity of the work in this land

Sunday 17th [May 1857]

Took train 8 A M for Sheffield on our way the Iron horse ran into a Luggage car near a Station smashing it into peaces went about 60 feet off the track it went into the ground & timbers smashing


up his fore parts cast Iron and bits Timber flying in all directions none of the passenger cars were thrown from the track but a tremendous lumping of heads but thanks be to my God there was no one seriously injured, the enginear and the conductor jumped off the latter was brused up some his head and face hit the ground first, we held three meetings in the hall of Science Bro Pratt preach a long sermon in the morning on the prophecies of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine Covernants proved the Saints would be brot into bondage then delivered by the power of God, in the afternoon I talked a while showed the necesity of men being inspired to build up the Church of Christ in these last days Bro Pratt then took up the subject of our young Sisters Showed what they would loose by marrying out of the


Church then dwelt a while on plurality, in the evening I preached one hour and a quarter on the kingdom of God wound up with an exortation to Elders & Saints Bro Pratt said he never heard me speak with such power, he bore testimony to what I said spoke a short time our meeting closed all feeling well.

Monday 18th [May 1857]

This morning Elder Pratt left for Liverpool with his heart full of blessings for his brethren. I visited with Bro Hatch to Bro Amarys he gave a knief to me in the evening the pristhood meeting I addressed them on there duties urgeing them to go forward and preach the Gospel

Tuesday 19th [May 1857]

Wrote some letters counciled with Bro. Hatch & Robinson to cleanse there hall in this place and the adjoining rooms


let Bro Fowler and family move out get one to move in that would observe good order keep everrything neat clean and bring the holy Ghost with them that the hall and rooms may be santified and dedicated unto God, in the evening the Brethren had about Ten meetings in different parts of the Town Some of them were interrupted by the rabble others had good attention I attended one heard Bros Hatch and Cromer stayed all knight with Bro James Hibbard in Company with Bro. H.

Wednesday 20th [May 1857]

Took train for Leeds 10 1/2 A.M. on our way in Co with Bro Hatch we stopped at Masboro and took dinner at Mr. Eastham stayed three hours then proceeded on arrived 5 P.M. put up with Bro Fox had a first rate time Bro H & myself occupied the time


Thursday 21th [May 1857]

Took train for Bradford 6 P M arrived in time for our meeting in the Od Fellows Hall we had a good audience I preached one hour & 1/4 told the Saints to have a testimony for themselves then such tales as W. Drummond would not cause them to waver in there feelings Bro Hatch spoke about 30 minutes on the first principals

Friday 22th [May 1857]

Remained in my room the most of the time at the house of Bro Haigh writing letters to my son Charles J C Wright Bro Pratt & a number of the Elders in this land in the evening a number of the Brethren and Sisters came in I spoke freely on plurality they sung some good songs of Zion and we all felt well the good Spirrit was with us we went and administered to a sister


Saturday 23th [May 1857]

Remained in my room prayed and fasted wrote a letter to Bro Brigham and one to Charles, Sister Lavinaer Nobles came and invited us to go and stay all knight at her fathers we done so quite a number of the Saints came in we had a verry interesting time

Sunday 24th [May 1857]

We held three meetings in the Od Fellows hall in the morning I address the Saints to live their religion more perfectly in the afternoon I spoke on the neccesity of revilation and inspired prophits the organization of the Church of Christ in the evening on the Book of Mormon and the mission of Joseph good atendance through the day the Lord was with Bro Hatch spoke at intervals


Monday 25th [May 1857]

Took train for Leeds 11 A.M. arrived in good time in the evening we held a meeting in the Saints hall this notice being short there was not many present I preached one hour & a half on different subjects such as poligamy Divine aurthenticity of the Book of Mormon the strict law of Zion corruption of the world

Tuesday 26th [May 1857]

Took train for Grantham 8 A M arrived about 12 M put up at Sister Roberts Seamans yard Old Spittle gate held a meeting with the Saints had a good time preached on tithing and sanctifycation

Wednesday 27 [May 1857]

Took train for Peterboro 12 M arrived 2 P.M. put up with Bro Geo Shardent B-fields [? maybe “Boonfields”] in the Afternoon in Compa


ny with Bro Hatch Taylor & Plant went to old Cathedral beheld a mock worship, in the evening we held a meeting in the assembly rooms the room was crowed about 600 present, Bro H preached one hour on the first principals with much of the Spirrit and plainness till he bore testimony to the prophet Joseph then the devil entered a man by the name of Brook Methodist priest he came on to the stand back up by the mob with a hiss Bawl &c he jumped and froths at the mouth like a Wild boar, accused us of everry vice he could lay his tongue to, I listend to him 30 min the mob still a raging worse the owner of the hall desired I would leave I felt by the Spirrit it was time just as I steped down off the stand a lady opened a private door I asked her


if I could pop out that way she kindly replyed I could Bro H. Taylor Cromer & sister Harriet Ashwood and thus the Lord opened the way for our escape while the mobb was consulting what they should do with the Mormon Apostle, we Went to Bro Plants and took supper the house was soon filled with Saints they all seemed to rejoyced much for they had been praying for an exitement

Thursday 28th [May 1857]

Took train 8 A.M. for Sulfleet Station here Sister Drewry meet us with her horse and cart took us to Rise Gate a small village we put up with Bro Drewry he is a farmer we had a plenty of milk & first rate fair, the meeting was held in there Brick Barn it nicely cleaned out and decorated with flowers it smealt as sweat as a posy bed. I preached one 1/2 hours the Saints felt well.


Friday 29th [May 1857]

Sister Drewery took us to the Station 9 A M took train for Hull stopt in Boston three hours arrived 3 P M put up with Bro John Hilsted [Hillstead] in the Evening the Elders came together I called upon the Brethren to speak quite a number spoke against Bro Hobs manifested a bad spirrit. I told them they must repent cease finding fault which they agreed to do.

Saturday 30th [May 1857]

Prayed and fasted all day. went and administered to a sister took a Walk Bro Haight came 5 P.M. on his return to Copenhagen from Liverpool been up with some Saints bound for America

Sunday 31st [May 1857]

We held three meetings I preached in the morning counciled the Saints not to partake of the sacrament


untill there was a better feeling in the priesthood told them that they must reform over again in the afternoon Bro Hatch spoke in the evening Bro Hobbs held a meeting in the Street. I addressed the Saints & Strangers in the od fellows Hall I spoke on the necesity of a living prophit to lead the church then dwelt on the coruptions of the World

Monday June 1th 1857

Took steamer for [blank space] walked five miles Crool [prob. Crowle, North Lincolnshire] held a meeting in the Saints hall had a good congregation I freely spoke one hour on the aurthority of the priesthood Bro Hatch talked thirty minutes Bro Hobbs & [? looks like “pine”] held one out doors We put up with Sister Cook there was a good feeling among the Strangers. some of the Saints waked up a new


Tuesday 2th [June 1857]

Travild on foot eight miles to Goold [prob. Goole, Yorkshire] in the evening held a meeting out doors. Bro Hobbs H. and myself addressed the people about three hundred present and they paid good attention a number came forward and said it was true, after which the Saints being about 12 with some others assembled at Bro Wrights I preached to the Saints left a good feeling all seemed to rejoyce in the truth, stayed all knight with Sister Wright her husband goes to New Holland [Lincolnshire] on Stemer this place is 30 from Hull

Wednesday 3 [June 1857]

Took Steamer for Hull called at 9 Walker Square Sykes street took dinner wrote in my journal took Steamer for Grimsby 3 P.M.


in Co with Bros Hatch Hobbs and two Sisters they Went through the Town sung invited the people to come to our meeting at the emigrants home where the saint stop when they come from Denmark there was but few come to here we had an excellent meeting I preached about 35 minutes the Lord blessed me greatly in my testimony Bro H said it sounded like Bro Brigham voyce there was not one present but what believed 14 miles from Hull

Thursday 4th [June 1857]

Took train 8 1/2 A M for Louth arrived about 10 A.M. took dinner with Sister Adlard Gustard Yard Maiden Row wrote a letter to Bro Pratt giveing him an account of my travils to date in the evening held a meeting in the Saints Hall Bro Hatch preached a good


sermon a number of Strangers present I occupied a short time, I asked them if they believed Drummonds report this is where Bro Worberton Atkinson Thompson I asked them if these Gent had become so degraded as reported no there was not one that believed it I gave them my testimony and the Lord greatly Blessed me in so doing there is Ten Saints in this place we lodged at Mr Norths his wife and daughter are in the church, he once belonged

Friday 5th [June 1857]

Took train for Hull in the morning arrived about 12 M. took dinner with Sister Pelter took train in Company with Bros Hatch Hobbs and a number of the sisters for Preston 6 miels from Hull held a meeting I preached about one hour on the first principals of the Gospel Bro Hatch bore his testimony took some milk and bread at Bro Johnsons he is so rich he cannot gether we returned to Hull the same Evening


Saturday 6th [June 1857]

Took train for Derby 7 A M arrived one oclock P.M. Bro King came in the same train from Nottingham, here we found the streets full of people to see two cannon drawn through the streets that came from Sabasterpol Bro J Higby has just came in he intends to take out all the Saints in this branch they intend to do as they are told, in the Evening some of the Saints came in and sang some beautiful songs of Zion prayed and fasted this day

Sunday 7th [June 1857]

In the after noon we held a meet in the Saints hall Bro Hatch spoke on the faithfulness of the Saints doing there duties Testimonies of Joseph the prophet. I told the Saints to be one and the Lord deliver them in the Evening I addressed the people on the testimony of the Bible showed those without revelation had


no knowledge of the truth of the Book only through traddition spoke freely on the coruptions of the Gentiles Bro H bore testimony and said that truth was self evident of it self Bro Higbee held a meeting out doors

Monday 8th [June 1857]

Remained in my room wrote some letters read till 4 P M we went took supper with Sister Crowther and Staten in the Evening returned to 40 Carrington St quite a number of the Saints came in sung Sister Fanny Cartwright is an excellent singer. Bro King left for Nottingham

Tuesday 9th [June 1857]

Took train for Birmingham 10 1/2 A.M. Bro Hatch left for Chesterfield I arrived 1 P.M. found Bro Muir & Jones they had appointed a meeting at Thorp Chapel I took my text in the first chapter Gal 10 verse. Had a ful house and first rate time Received letters from the Valley


Wednesday 10th [June 1857]

Bro John Scott arrived last evening in Company with him and Bros Muir Jones went to Aston to visit Bro Thomas Jones a gardner he showed us some beautiful flowers we returned 5 P M to 58 Albion St all knelt down and prayed for the prosperity of the work our enimies confounded especially Dr. Brindly of this place who is lecturing against us is a verry wicked man

Thursday 11th [June 1857]

Wrote some letters commenced my history took dinner with sister Jones in the evening held a meeting in the Viller Street Chapel Bro Scott talked about 20 minutes Bro Muir and myself occupied the time. I spoke on the prophecies of Noah, he could not give the Antideluvians a precedent they had to depend on Noah


Friday 12th [June 1857]

Brother O. F. Jones wrote me several letters in the morning. In the afternoon myself and Brothers John Scott and O. F. Jones left Birm-m [last “m” over a dash] for Cheltenham had a pleasant ride of 50 miles. Bro G. Taylor met us at the Station and took us up to his house and made us quite comfortable, being up for the last few nights till late retired to bed Earlier than usual

Saturday 13th [June 1857]

In company with the above mentioned brethern—we set appart this day for prayer and fasting. We took a walk through the beautiful city and squares and took a view of the fine mansions and pleasure grounds—which truly are the blessing of the Lord but only appreciated as such by God’s despised people a few of the Saints came in in the Evening to see us


Sunday 14th [June 1857]

Held three meetings in the Saints Chapel Bro Jones spoke in the morning I bore testimony chastised the Saints for not paying into the penny fund L3 is all paid in by this conference in the afternoon Bro Scott spoke and blessed the Saints in the evening I preached took my text in Johns Revalations 10 c 11 verse showing that he was yet to prophecy on the earth, and proved from the Bible that inspiered men and prophits must come on the earth to fulfill the scriptures, we had good attention the house was well filled

Monday 15th [June 1857]

Bro Jones wrote for me on my history Bro W. Woodruff has sent for it up to the year 1844 in the afternoon walked out with some of the brethren & sisters 7 P M met in the Chapel had first rate time


Tuesday 16th [June 1857]

In Company with Bro Geo Taylor we went out into the country to visit a branch on our way we called on Mr Turner took dinner he belives the Gospel but is too rich to obey, we travild seven miles on foot held a meeting I preached on poligamy had a good time the Strangers was mad some of them, some rejoyced

Wednesday 17th [June 1857]

We left Bro James Evans took cab for the train called at Glouscester laid hands on a sick Bro came to the Cheltenham station Bro Taylor left for home Bro O. F. Jones steped on the train to accompany myself to Worcester arrived at the Rose Cottage 2 1/2 P.M. St Clemets place near St John’s Bro Jones wrote on my history in the evening some the Saints came in we sung prayed &c


Thursday 18th [June 1857]

Bro O. F. Jones wrote on my history finished it up to 1844 to the time I was sent to Boston with Bros Parly [Parley P. Pratt] and Peletir [Pelatiah] Brown in the evening I preached in the Saints hall some came 18 miles, some mobbercrats where present and tried to brake up our meeting but they had no power I spoke on the divine aurthority of the Bible Bro Scott & Jones spoke had an Exellent visit with the Saints Chastised the Saints for not paying into the penny fund

Friday 19th [June 1857]

I took train in Company with Bro Scott for Reading arrived 3 P M took dinner at Bro Lindal 8 Brook Street in the Evening Bro S and myself preached had a verry good meeting we staid overknight with Bro John Hyde 8 South Hampton Street


Saturday 20th [June 1857]

Took train 9 1/2 A M with Bro Scott for London arrived at 35 Jewin Street City 11 1/2 A M found Bros Ross Budge and a number of Elders we spent a few hours in council and prayer then in Company with Bro R we went to our logings Bro Scott went with Bro Thom Bullock

Sunday 21th [June 1857]

In company with Bro Ross Budge & others we attended council with the Elders in the afternoon and evening I preached to the Saints had good attendance and a good time I urged the Saints to save there means gether out for the signs of the times bespeak something of importance that will take place

Monday 22th [June 1857]

Remained in my room with Bro Penrose wrote letters as follows, one to Bro Brigham A Carrington J Rowberry one to my family in the evening walked out


Tuesday 23th [June 1857]

Read in the Deseret News visited Bro Holden took dinner with him at Bro Pierces in the evening preached in Globe Fields Chapel it was crowded full Bro Scott talked a while, then I spoke for one hour and a quarter on the benifit of the priesthood with out it could not be zealed up unto eternal life this day received one letter from my wife Pamelia April 29 one from Elizar

Wednesday 24th [June 1857]

In Company with Bros Ross & Budge we visited Elder Penrose & his wife had a verry pleasant time wrote some letters read in the Deseret News had a meeting East Lane Walworth Bro Holden spoke a while, I then spoke on the sacrifices that the Saints made when driven from Nauvoo called on them to make one & get away


Thursday 25th [June 1857]

Walked throug the City took dinner with Bro 35 Jewin St City had Strawberrys and milk, then went to Hyde Park, saw the pride of London some walking others on horse back thousands of carriges the greatest grander and display I ever saw in the evening went to the Amphi Theater see some of the best riding I ever saw by a Miss Ellas

Friday 26th [June 1857]

Went in Company with Bros Budge and Scott to Hyde park to see Queen Victory deliver some medels to her soldiers. the crowed so intense I could not see her tell just as she was leaving then I had a fair view of her & prince Albert on horse back some of there children some of the Royal family in carriges


The Queen is quite a plain looking woman she was dressed in plain cloth dark rideing dress with a common rideing hat, her nose is too large to be handsome two regiments of horse all mounted men on Black horses three of infantry several bands of musick. it was quite an interesting scene. I preached in the evening in the Holbourn Hall my text was the fourth chapter 2 book Kings, it was stated there was 8000 troops present

Saturday 27th [June 1857]

Took train with Bro Scott for Bedford arrived at one P M found Bros Page and Baylis put up with Bro James 6 Pembroke 6 Horsford Buildings Well street I left the Saints in London feeling well determined to save there means for Emigration, on the 26 E Holden left London in route for


The Valley I delivered to him the following letters one to Bro B Young A Carrington J Rowberry W Snow P A Benson Elizabeth B Elizar B. I sent a draft to P. A. Benson in her letter, $57,60 from a house in London on one in New York

Sunday 28th [June 1857]

Conference commenced 10 1/2 A.M. done up the buisness then I preached to the Saints on Sanctifycation in the afternoon Bro Scott addressed the Saints on there emigration, in the evening I preached to the congregation a full house on the first principals good attention we had a first rate time long to be remembered Bro Page & Baylis bore testimony

Monday 29th [June 1857]

Took train with Bros Scott Page Baylis and a number of the Saints for Hemel Hempstead in the evening held a meeting in the Saints Chapel had a crowded house


I preached on the practical duties of the Saints gethering out or they might exspect to be mobb for it is in the hearts of the wicked to do it, while I was in Cheltenham on 13th inst I receved the sad news of the massacre of Bro P P Pratt on the 14 May by McLean near Van Buren Arkansas one of the most inhuman cold Blooded murders on the pages of history. I dreamed last knight that my wife Pamelia was verry sick Sisters Young Kimball and a number of others were into see her, Sister K says to me she is a little better

Tuesday 30th [June 1857]

Visited among the Saints took dinner with Sister Harrison had a good time with the brethren and sisters in the evening the Saints came together Bro Scott spoke I spoke a short time chastised them for there slothfulness in leaving these tracts about the room in the Chapel &c


Wednesday July 1th [1857]

Took train from Boxmoore Station for Manchster 9 A M arrived 8 1/2 P M a long and tegeous Journey in the 3d Glass train a distance of 144 miles in the evening took a walk through the city returned to 56 Welcomb St found Bros Rumney Kay & Bunting

Thursday 2th [July 1857]

In Co with the Brethren we visited the Zoological Gardens. wrote some

Friday 3d [July 1857]

Wrote one letter to my wife Pamelia one to Adeline. I shall mail them this Evening, took a Walk through the City

Saturday 4th [July 1857]

Remained in my room praying fasting reading talking with the Brethren, in the afternoon in Co with the Brethren visited Belle Vue heard Juliens band the best I ever heard


Mr Picco the noted whistler he is blind, fire works was sublime representing the seige of Giberalter

Sunday 5th [July 1857]

Held a council meeting with the pristhood of this conferance I gave them such instructions as I was led told them to get out of this place, in the afternoon, I addressed the Saints & Strangers on various items of the Gospel bore my testimony, in the evening Bro Kay and Scott preached we had a rich flow of the good Spirrit during the whole day

Monday 6th [July 1857]

Held a council with the traveling priesthood 11 1/2 A M Took train for Liverpool in co with Bro Kay arrived 2 P M found Bro Pratt well and the brethren in the office, Bro Rumney & Scott came in in the evening, the excitement is not quite so high


Tuesday 7th [July 1857]

Remained in the office most of the day wrote some letters to my brethren sent up my appointments to Scotland in the Evening in Company with Bro Pratt & others we visitd the Zoological Gardens saw the fire works &c which was quite interesting

Wednesday 8th [July 1857]

Remained in the office the most of the day in the Evening Bros Ray Williams and myself went out and visited some Saints Bro John Scott left for Ireland feeling first rate

Thursday 9th [July 1857]

Made preperations for my tour through Scotland counciled with my brethren, quite an excitement is still kept up in the papers about Utah U. N. States sending 2000 Troops &c


Friday 10th [July 1857]

Took train in Company with Bro Pratt for Carlile 1/4 past 7 A.M arrived 45 minutes past one P.M. Bro Wm J Smith & others at the Station in the evening we preached to the Saints, Some of them had been in the church twenty years

Saturday 11th [July 1857]

Took train for Glasgow 9 A M arrived 45 m past one P M took Cab for 41 Charlotte St found Bro Ure and a number of the Elders

Sunday 12th [July 1857]

I addressed the Saints in the morning on immeadiate revilation Bro Pratt in the afternoon took the 60 chapter of Isaiah for his text, he also quoted from the Book of Covernants see ch 101 paragraph 3 where it speaks the Saints are to be delivered from bondage he said we would have to go into bondage


in the evening Bro Wm Budge myself & Bro Pratt addressed the meeting we had a good time all day the Saints felt well & rejoyced

Monday 13th [July 1857]

In Company with the Brethren we walked through the city took dinner with Bro Grayham, took train for Paisley held a meeting in the exchange rooms quite a number of Gentils present. Bro Pratt addressed them on the visions of Joseph the comeing forth of the Book of Mormon showed that we had much more testimony than the any man can produce for the Bible, no one can produce the original manuscript of the Bible nor any evidence of it, and we can of the Book of Mormon, there is only six witnesses to the new testament they are dead. much evidence did he bring forth for the Latter day work


Tuesday 14th [July 1857]

Took a Walk through the west End of the City took a view of the Park one of the finest I ever see, in the evening Bro Ure and myself took train for Johnstone held a meeting with the Saints a general turn out. I preached on the penny fund the importance of gethering as soon as posible stayed all knight with Bro John Thornton the Saints all felt well

Wednesday 15th [July 1857]

Took train for Glasgow arrived at 41 Ten o clock A M, Remained in my room the most of the day quite a hard shower of rain. in the Evening we had a meeting a good turn out of Saints Bro Pratt preached on the gethering the house of the Lord being established in the tops of the mountains, I preached on the organiseation kingdom


Thursday 16th [July 1857]

Took dinner with Bro Wm Budge from London, in Company with Bros Pratt & Ure we took train for Kilmarnock 40 miles from this place where we met with the Saints and had a first rate meeting Bro Pratt preached with great power on the aurthanticity of the Book of Mormon I bore testimony exorted the Saints to faithfulness &c

Friday 17th [July 1857]

Took train this morning for Glasgow arrived in good time for breakfast examined Jacob Gibsons Conferance exspences the two quarters Ending the 30 June was about L172 which is verry extravigant money verry foolishly laid out moore so than any other report by far than I have examined in this mission


Saturday 18th [July 1857]

Took train in Company with Bros Pratt & James Ure for Edinburgh 2 P M arrived 5 P M put up with Bro John McComie at 11 Cheyne St Stockbridge

Sunday 19th [July 1857]

Eleven o clock A M we all went to the Saints hall found it well filled, Bro Pratt preached on the necesity of the Saints gethering some here had been in the church seventeen years, in the afternoon I preached on the necesity of prophits and immeadiate reverlation from God for the Lord has always given it when he has had a church on the earth, bore my testimony that Bro Joseph & Brigham have always honourd the laws of the land, in the evening Bro Pratt preached on the Book Mormon


Monday 20th [July 1857]

In Company with quite a number of the brethren & sisters came together and then started up the hill for Arthurs Seat about 800 feet above the levil of the sea, we spent a few hours verry pleasant singing Bro Pratt called on me to pray he then spoke a short time I preached a short sermon, we took a view of the beautiful scenerry around Edinburg it is one of the finest sites in Great Brittain there is 150000 inhabitants the Buildings are mostly stone, in the Evening we assembled at Bro Macombies spent a verry pleasant time with the Saints, Bro. P. spoke on marriage the necesity of getting home to Zion to zeald up by the arthority of the pristhood, I spoke on the same


Tuesday 21th [July 1857]

Took train in Company with Bros Pratt Ure McComie for Bathgate to a branch of the Church where we held a meeting with the Saints and Strangers, I preached on the first principals of the Gospel, Bro Pratt spoke on the virtue goodness of Bros Joseph Brigham and the Saints in Utah that we had never broke any law of the U. N. States &c &c Bro Cowards writes from Saint Louis the mobb had driven off the mules that belonged to our emigration Indians had killed one hundred U. N. S. Troops and fifty teamsters the mail was with held from gowing to Utah it is also reported that McLean is persueing Bros Taylor & E. Snow with a gang of Ruffins to murder them there is at this time great excitement against us on the frontiers U. N. S


Wednesday 22th [July 1857]

Took train for Edinburgh arrived in good time for dinner in the evening we held meeting in the Saints hall some Strangers present Some of them full of the devil. I spoke on merricles showed that God never sent his servants to work them to make a wicked generation believe. Bro Pratt spoke on the prophecis, 20 c of Ezekel where the Lord will plead with his people face to face, also Doctrine & Covt page 215 and 291

Thursday 23th [July 1857]

Bro Pratt left this morning for Liverpool, Bro Ure and myself left for Dundee arrived 4 P.M. found the Town playcarded for Bro Pratt and Benson to address the citezens in the Thistle Hall at the time appointed it filled to the overflowing


supposed to be twelve hundred present. I preached over one half hour on the first principals with verry good attention when I came to the prophit Joseph then a shout but they soon quited down so that I went on again, then I called on Bro Ure he preached on polygamy and answered a number of questons that were put by different ones Mr Webster seemed to take the lead he on the stand to quiet the congregation

Friday 24th [July 1857]

Took train for Arbroth 18 miles from Dundee where this is a small branch of the church the brethren had playcarded the Town, a man by the name of Golden lectured against us the result was the citezens where verry much Exited and it Brot together a full house 12 or 1500 people Bro Ure talked some three quarters of an our, then they began


to get uneasey wanted to put questions Goldsmith and two ministers came on to the stand and brot Legions of devils with them, they done there best to ridicule our doctrins Bros Brigham Pratt and others, took the seer read where Bro Pratt writes on the pluralities of Gods, and the father haveing Cummuneion with the virgin Mary to beget Christ, Said we made the father & God an adulterer Bro Ure asked them who did beget him they could not answer it. he then told them he would take them on there own ground if the holy Gost begot him or any other being it was Guilty of the Same Crime, he then took up there immaterial God showed the falicy of it they were Confounded then they had to redicule to exite the mobb they kept us pend up till 12 o clock then we broke up in a row Bro Ure and myself pressed through the mass they


hissing and bawling after us when we came to the stairs they rushed upon us and tried to crush us down with a great deal of exertion on our part we made out to keep on on our feet and got out into the street thus did the lord deliver us out of there hands, they rediculed the idea of man ever arriveing to the God head finally to sum it up mormonism was blasphemy from begining to end with these poor hypocrites and we ought to be exterminated from the face of the earth, this is the Spirrit of the people Generally with few exceptions murder is in there hearts and they are growing worse everry day ripening for distruction

Saturday 25th [July 1857]

Took train for Dundee put up with Bro Edward Reid Prest of the Conferance 117 Prince St, prayed and fasted read &c received letters from home May 30


one letter from Bro Brigham and Woodruff Bro Ure and myself sat down and read cryed and read cryed and read

Sunday 26th [July 1857]

We held meeting in the Thistle hall I addressed the audience in the morning on the organisation of the kingdom of God, Bro Ure spoke on the aurthority of the Bible being insufficient to Save any one, if it was we would need no preachers, in the afternoon Bro Geo P Ward spoke on the first principals, his text was, the words of Philop to the Eunich, Understand what [“thou” crossed out] what thou readest, in the evening Bro Ure preached on the 14 c Zacariah first c Isaiah 25 & 26 3d Jeremiah 14 & 15 verses at close of the meeting Bro Murdock through zeal got into difficulty with the mobb some of his hair was pulled out the meeting was broken up in an uproar they are trying to pass an act in parliment


to obliterate all obnoxous books writings documents of all kinds

Monday 27th [July 1857]

Took train in Company with Bro James Ure for Edinburgh arrived in time for dinner read wrote some letters to England

Tuesday 28 [July 1857]

Took train for Falkirk where there is a small branch, met with the Saints in the Evening I preached on the necessity of gethering out speedily proved from the revelations given in Feb 1831 that Bro Joseph was a true prophit we put up with Mr Hardy who was verry kind

Wednesday 29th [July 1857]

While traviling to the Station this morning Bro McComie showed me the ground where William Wallace fought the Battle of Falkirk little


did I think when I read the account of it over thirty years agow I should ever view the spot and preach the gospel to his country men they are a smart inteligent people in this land, we took the Exspress train for Edinburgh arrived in good time for dinner found a file of the Deseret news for me sent from the office for the month of May last, read in them wrote a letter for my family in the Evening assembled with the Saints I talked to them on different Items left them feeling well

Thursday 30th [July 1857]

Took train for Newcastle arrived at 4 P M put up 17 Derby Street found Bro Geo Gates James Bond and a number of other Elders Bro Smith the Pastor did not come. I read the brethren some letters from the Valley &c


Friday 31th [July 1857]

Bro Wm J Smith arrived at 10 A.M. a council of Elders was called to try the case of Bro James Bond and a number of others that Bro Smith had disfellowshiped for rebelion, we tried them they confessed there sins although not with that humility that I would of like to have seen, in the evening we held a meeting in North Shields with the Saints I preached on Union after which Bro Smith and myself returned to Sunderland

Saturday Aurgust 1th [1857]

Prayed and fasted wrote some a letter to Bro Pratt and others councild with the brethren, just heard from Birmingham mobbing the Saints, broke in there chapel Windows, stole the Books Scattered them about the Street. a good deal of persecution is gowing on in other parts


Sunday 2th [August 1857]

I preached three times in the Saints Hall in the morning on the first principals, in the afternoon read a revelation from the Book of Doctrine & Covernants 215 page showed plainly that Joseph was a prophet in the evening I took the first part of the 19 c of Acts a good many strangers were present. the lord blessed me much through the day, Saints and Strangers rejoyced we had an Exallent time

Monday 3dth [August 1857]

Took a Walk through the Town in the Morning, in the afternoon went New Castle, Maild a letter for Bro H C. Kimball one for my family one for my wife Pamelia in the Evening I preached to the Saints on the order of the kingdom, chastised Bro James Bond for operating against his pastor then returned to Sunderland


Tuseday 4th [August 1857]

Sat in a big arm chair most of the day for Brother Danquart Wegland to paint my Likeness Bro Wm J Smith wrote some Letters for me to the Elders in the Evening whe held a meeting at Easington Lane I preached to the Saints nearly 2 hours

The Subject was the gathering the Word of Wisdom Peney Fund that they might produce works axceptable in the Sight of the Lord

Bro Smith Bore Testimoney to the truth of the Same put up at Bro John Cook

Wedensday 5th [August 1857]

Whe took train for Sunderland up and down the encline Plain by Steam power arrived at 8 Ravensworth Street at 12 1/2 oclock where I resumed my sitting again for the Painting of my Likeness


In the evening we met in the Saints Hall Sunderland Preached on the Wisdom of the world about the Railroads and Telegraphic wires bosting the prosperity of their countrey but no bodey but a few deluded Mormons to acknowlege the hang of the Lord in all things or believe that God can worke with a unseen hand I told them God had all readey worked mericls for this people I was just as much a mericle to me the Lord leeding his people to the rockey Mountains in safty through the Prophet Brigham as it was for Moses to leed the Children of Israel out of Egypt Brother Smith Spoke and told the Saints to do as I had Counciled them Save their means and put it with the peny fund and the Lord would surley deliver them I found this Conference in Exelant Condition I have enjoyed My visit here very much


Thursday 6th [August 1857]

Took train for Leeds arrived 4 P M Bro Hatch met me at the station we went to 19 Dock St where I met with Bros Jackson Stewart Seimor Young [Seymour B. Young] Samuel L Smith from the Valley in the Evening we held a meeting in the Saints hall they bore testimony to the truth of mormonism I preached on the Spirrit of the world, told the Saints to make a convernant by sacrifise and get a way to Zion

Friday 7th [August 1857]

Took train in Company with Bro Hatch for Bradford put up with Bro John Haigh Rupert Street No 4 Clayton Lane

Saturday 8th [August 1857]

This morning about 2 oclock I was taken with the bilous colick lasted me about six hours Bros H & Haigh waited upon me until Sister Walker came


She gave me a lobelie emetic and I was soon releaved and greatly blessed in the evening Bro Pratt came from Liverpool

Sunday 9th [August 1857]

We held three meetings in the od Fellows hall Bro Pratt preached in the morning on the duties of the Saints in the evening on the gethering Book of Mormon in the afternoon I preached took for my Text 1th c Gal 10 verse if I please men I cannot be the servant of Christ we had good attendance all day and a most Exellent meeting

Monday 10th [August 1857]

Took train for Leeds in Company with Bros Pratt and Hatch, in the Evening Bro P preached in the Saints Hall on the Evidences of the Bible and the work of God showed that the Sectarians had introduced a new revelation since the days of Christ


Tuesday 11th [August 1857]

Elder Pratt left this morning for Liverpool Bro Hatch Fox J S Smith for wells Head to visit a small branch. I preached one hour & 1/4 had a first rate time, there was a broken down minister wanted to reply I told him to go and hire his own get his congregation and lecture as long as he liked. he said I was no Apostle for I did not work merricles. I told him he should have a sign, if he fought against this work he should dwindle and perrish, quite a number of the Saints were over from Bradford we returned with them stayed all knight with Sister Hansons 223 Little Horton Green.

Wednesday 12th [August 1857]

Held a meeting in the Saints hall I proved from the Bible that there was to be prophits on the earth after John wrote the Book of Revelation, read out of the Doctrine & Covt 215 page &c


Thursday 13th [August 1857]

Remained in my Room the most of the day it has rained in torrents the fields of grain are laid nearly level to the ground. I met with a few of the Saints at Sister Hansons in the evening told them how to financier to get to Zion

Friday 14th [August 1857]

Took train in Company with Bro Hatch & Fox for Leeds on our arrival we found Bro Harvey Pierce from the Valley in good spirrits in the afternoon we took train for Marsboro Bro Hatch and myself stopt here Bro Pierce went on to Sheffield Bro H fasted with me from the Evening of the 12 inst untill the 14 inst the Evening

Saturday 15th [August 1857]

Bro J Tindale came up after us to go to his house for dinner we spent a few hours verry pleasantly then Took train for Sheffield


Sunday 16th [August 1857]

I preached three times in the Hall of Science in the morning I spoke on the duties of the Saints, chastised some of them for disobeying council in the afternoon Bro Harvey Pierce gave a short account crossing the plains with his brethren with hand carts I spoke on the same subject. in the evening I took for my text was Joseph Smith a prophit

Monday 17th [August 1857]

Council of Elders called this morning in the hall of Science to settle some difficulties with Bro Henry Fowler he confessed his fault it was decided that he should be forgiven and restored by baptism, in the co with Bro H we spent the afternoon with Sister Emary she is a verry fine woman, Spent the evening at Sister Atkins, stayed all knight with Bro Hopkins family


Tuesday 18th [August 1857]

Wrote some letters counciled with the Elders for them to go out and Warn the people, 2 P.M. in Company with Bro Hatch we started for the Station on our way Sister Amary & Mansfield took us in a Cab to the Station and bid us good by feeling first rate, we took train for Wortly in the evening held a meeting at Bro Fosters I told them the sectarians were telling the world it will not be inquired of us what road we travil so we get to heaven, I told them for a verry good reason we could say this for there is but the one pointed out by our Savour. Bro H preached a while, we both had an Exellent time. Bro H as usual enjoys much of the holy spirrit & I take great pleasure in being in his company for truly he is a man of God


Wednesday 19th [August 1857]

Took train for Sheffield stoped to Bro Ross his wife made me a cup of tea I laid down being quite unwell soon was in a sweat and felt better took train for Masboro held a meeting in the evening had a first rate time, Bro Hatch spoke a short time gave a faithful testimony

Thursday 20th [August 1857]

Took train for Chesterfield on our way we stopt in Sheffield a short time visited with some of the Saints at the Hall, we arrived here about 2 P.M. in the evening Bro Hatch and myself preached in the Saints hall, took for my text there is many spirrits gone into the world I told the Saints we had a criterian to try them


Friday 21th [August 1857]

Took train for Derby arrived about 12 M Bro King met me at the Station in the evening I held a meeting in the Saints hall took for my Text the Bible being insufficient with in itself to save mankind

Saturday 22th [August 1857]

Took train for Nottingham 10 1/2 A.M. arrived 11 1/2 A M at Bro Cooks and met Bro Reubin McBride from the Valley had a good chat about the reformation in the Valley. I prayed and fasted most of the day no one to join me so I had to go it a lone and get the blessing

Sunday 23dth [August 1857]

I preach three times in the Saints hall, in the morning on the omnypresence of God by his Spirrit, in the afternoon on the second comeing of our Savour in the clouds of heaven


in the evening on the penny fund, proved from the Bible that there was to be prophits on the earth proved from the Book of Covt 62 Section that Joseph Smith was a true prophit, Bro McBride spoke showed from the prophit Joel that God had promised to raise up a nation of prophits & prophitsis in the last days

Monday 24th [August 1857]

Visited among the Saints in the evening we held a meeting in the new market place Bro Cook and McBride addressed the people had a verry good hearing, quite a number of the Saints gethered to Bro Cooks we sung & talked till 10 P.M.

Tuesday 25th [August 1857]

Took train for Liverpool arrived 3 1/2 P M found Bro Pratt and all in the office well, Bro Daniels was in from Wales


Wednesday 26th [August 1857]

In the morning held council in Bro Pratt room, with the brethren from Wales, news had come to this office that Bro Williams had spent L67 penny fund on examining it was found that he had paid it over to Bro Evens & Ashby for there emigration to be returned as soon as it could be collected from the tithing, took a Walk with Bro Ray and then took supper with him had a verry pleasent time


Thursday 27th [August 1857]

The Presidency here dictated a letter to Bro Brigham on the financial affairs of the mission how the means have been squandered &c, wrote one letter to Pamelia one to Mary giveing them items up to this date of such things as I though would be interesting

Friday 28th [August 1857]

Took steamer in Company with Bro Pratt & Kay 11 A M for the Isle of man arrived about 1/2 past 4 P M had a nice trip it being a distance from Lpool of 80 miles

Saturday 29 [August 1857]

Visited through the Town took a Walk on the sea shore saw the people a bathing carrs [?] drawn down into the Water to undress in, this place is a great resort for Strangers from Lrpool and other places, there is but about 15 Latter Day Saints here mostly emigrated Bro John Taylor planted the Gospel Standerd here 17 years agow

Sunday 30th [August 1857]

We met in the Saints hall quite a number of Strangers present and ful of the evil one. Bro Pratt preached on the remarkable visions of


Bro Joseph and the comeing forth of the Book of Mormon, the people were angry at it, and wanted ask questions brake up our meeting through it into confusion we would not let them by the help of the lord, at the close of the meeting the mobb followed us to our boarding house some three hundred with all manner of yells calling us the worst names they could think of, we sent the brethren to claim protection from the police they promised they would come and keep order in the evening and see us safe in our quarters after meeting was over, when we arrived at the hall there was a large crowed collected out side a man lecturing against us, with all his might, our hall was ful I preached on the first principals


bore testimony to the truth of the work of God on the earth Bro Pratt gave his testimony on the virtue and honesty of the Saints in Utah I bore the same testimony that the mouth of two or three witnesses everry word might be established, after which we closed our meeting the mobb calling out for a debate we told them there would be none from us, one man took hold of me said I must stay and answer his questions I took his hands off we pressed our way out into the street, then the mobb took after us by hundreds from all directions everry street and lane was ful direcly we Walked up through the crowed to our boarding place in Company with Bros Kay Williams one Bro that belongs on the Isle them and our God was all we had to depend upon for our


safety in the midst of bawls and all manner of threats of the most vilest nature while this was going on not a police in sight that had so faithfully promised us protection and was paid for it thus we were exposed to a ruthless mobb gazed at by thousands of sectarians from there chapels houses lanes and streets as we passed a long the lord delivered us out of there hands not a hair of our heads was hurt as we past into the house Bro Pratt turned round made them a bow bid them good evening we gave thanks unto God for our deliverence preached the gospel during the remainder of the evening to a Gent and his wife from London they paid good attention manifested a good spirrit Bro H gave them a pamphlet


Monday 31th [August 1857]

as we past down the street this morning about 6 o clock to take the steamer for Liverpool the Windows were crowded to see us some saluting us wanted to know if I did not want a woman to take with me for there as one that wanted to go &c when got aboard the boat we found one of the ringleaders of the mobb but as good luck would have it he was deck we was cabin, Bro Kay & myself went below and laid down went to sleep. I dreamed the mobb had taken Bro P I jumped up went to the head of the stairs found there was a rush of some kind I returned and woke Bro K he wished me to stay below till he found out what the matter was, I waited a few minutes and went up Bro K had just got Bro P out of the crowed


this fiend in human shape shook his fist in the face of Bro P called him everry thing that was mean and vulger, once after this they gethered around the Capt interfeared and stoped it if he had not we should have had warm times for there was an awful spirrit manifested all through the boat we all rejoyced when we landed at Liverpool 42 Islington all well

Tuesday Sept 1th [1857]

wrote some letters to the brethren examined some reports, took a Walk in the evening with Bro Pratt & Ray in the Botanical Gardens had a pleasent Walk

Wednesday 2th [September 1857]

Sept apart this day in prayer & fasting, read in the Western Standerd wrote some letters took a Walk with Bro Ray


Thursday 3th [September 1857]

Remained in the office all day read wrote some conversed with Elder Pratt about Adam being father of our spirrits and our God he does not believe it, he says that Adam will be subject to the Son of God when he comes to reign on the earth

Showers of rain all day at intervals

Friday 4th [September 1857]

Remained in the office most of the day Bro Harrock called to see me gave me an account of his journey from the Valley, read in the mormon, the U N States troops are not a gowing to the Valley this year my faith has been against them all the time, took a Walk with Bro Ray in the evening

Saturday 5th [September 1857]

Took the express train with Bro Pratt for London 10 1/2 A M arrived 4 1/2 P M had a verry pleasant time


Sunday 6th [September 1857]

A Pastoral convened in the Royal Assembly rooms Adelade Gallerry Strand, met 10 1/2 A M was called to order by Pastor J D Ross and laid before the conference in a brief manner the buisness to be attended too, after which the Presidents of Conferences where called upon to make a report of there fields of labour it was good & cheering, in the afternoon I was called upon to address the congregation nearly two thousand present on general Items to the laws and the Testimony 8 c Isaih 20 verse the lord greatly blessed me, Bro Pratt blessed the Saints, in the evening he preached a rich discourse on the aurthinticity of the book of Mormon, to large and attentive Congn the largest we have had in England


Monday 7th [September 1857]

Attended Council meeting with the Elders at Limehouse Chappel Bro Ross made some changes with the Elders gave them some good instructions after Bro Pratt and myself addressed them in the evening the Saints met in the Westminster Chappel in a Social party we highly entertained with songs recitations speeches &c the evening passed off to the satisfaction of all present

Tuesday 8th [September 1857]

In company with Bro Hatch I went to meet some Saints at London Bridge Station to go to the Christal palace but in consequence of a prevous engagement to attend Bro J D Ross wedding at No 6 Richard St, we had a verry pleasant time Bro Pratt


Solomised the cerrimony after they had satisfied the demands of the laws, Sister Smith got us up a most excellent dinner, in the evening Bro Ross treated us with tickets to the Drewery Lane Theater, it has rained quite hard the most of this day

Wednesday 9th [September 1857]

In company with Bros Pratt Hatch Page & number of our good Sisters visited the Great Eastern Steamer the largest in the world Six hundred & 92 feet long they calculate to carry 10,000 passengers it will be launched in a few weeks, then we visited the Thames Tunnel, then to the National Gallery and looked at the paintings, in the evening Bro P preached to a crowded house at the White Chapel, his text was Mathew 5 c 5 verse, showed


that the Saints had not inherited the in no dispensation also proved that Spirrits prayed Revelations 5 c 10 verse crying under the alter how long O lord holy just and true wilt thou not aveng our blood &c I bore testimony & talked about half an hour

Thursday 10th [September 1857]

wrote a letter to Bros Mure and Jones, went up to Bishop gates Street with Sister Emma Cook, in afternoon visited with Bro Hatch and some others at Sister Husbands 11 George St Brick Lane

Friday 11th [September 1857]

Raining the most of the day in the afternoon visited Bro & Sister Teasdale laid hands on her Blessed her and the child three days old named it Geo


Ezra, in the evening Bro Pratt preached in the Holbourn hall, took for his text the two last verses of the old testiment, it was quite interesting, he proved those that were faithful would have a great work to do for there dead relatives

Saturday 12th [September 1857]

In Company with Bro Wm Budge we took train for Brighton 4 P M arrived 1/4 past 6 put up with Bro Wm Morse 15 Clearmont place

Sunday 13th [September 1857]

we held meeting in the Saints hall three times, Bro Budge spoke in the morning in the afternoon I preached on the gethering and sanctification, in the evening I took for my text was Joseph Smith a true prophet of God, the Saints rejoyced


Monday 14th [September 1857]

Took train for Burgess Hill a small country branch in the evening we held a meeting Bro Budge preached a most excellent discourse on the first principals I gave them my testimony

Tuesday 15th [September 1857]

Took train for London 7 1/2 A M arrived 10 A.M. at 35 Jewin Street City in Company with Sister Emma Cook went to St Pauls Cathedral visited the whispering Gallerry the [? looks like “doom”] heard them read prayers and play on the organ which made excellent musick we had a pleasant time together

Wednesday 16th [September 1857]

Remained in my room the most of the day with the assistance of Bro Penrose wrote letters to all the pastors, to get up


a cronomerter watch a testimonial of the Saints in the Brittish mission towards Elder Orson Pratt for his Efficent labours for many years, at 5 P M I baptised Sister Maria Husbands & her youngest son in the font at the White Chapel, in the evening I preached in Chelsea on the prophecis Bro Joseph being a true prophet &c it stired up the devil after meeting the mobb followed us for about a mile hooting and yelling

Thursday 17th [September 1857]

Took dinner with Bro Silver Joseph at 11 Richard Street Liverpool Road in Company with Bro J D Ross, in afternoon we went to Bro Harris there was quite a number of the brethren and Sisters present. I preached in the Eustin Hall on the Baptism for the Dead


Friday 18th [September 1857]

Remained in my room until about 11 A M Sister Harriet and Leah Husbands came after me to go to there house to pay them a visit I accordingly went and enjoyed myself first rate

Saturday 19th [September 1857]

In Company with Bros Ross Budge Bunting from Manchester took dinner with Bro Thomas Bullock then took train for Birmingham arrived 6 1/2 P M found Bro Muir and Jones at 58 Abion Street all right

Sunday 20th [September 1857]

Preached in the morning in Thorp Street Chapel to a ful house on the Revelations of Joseph, in the afternoon at Viller Street Chapel preached on the Scattering of the Jews, and proved that they would be gethered


in the evening at allison Street room to a crowded house on the Baptism for the dead and preaching to the Spirrits in prison there has been a good deal of mobbing in this place within the last few weeks such as breaking in our chapel Windows doors this evening the mobb broke in six lights, and we were thankful that there was no bones broken

Monday 21th [September 1857]

In Company with Bros Muir Jones and Scofield went out to Gravelly Hill took with Bro Richard Jones we spent the evening with Sister Rogers & family had a verry pleasent time

Tuesday 22th [September 1857]

Bro Jones wrote as I dictated my history the most of the day in the evening we went to Willenall held a meeting preached on the redemtion of Zion


Wednesday 23th [September 1857]

A Bro came in this morning informed me that the mobb was serching throug the city for me from house to house among the Saints then they went to Allison Street were the brethren were holding a council and called for me they would not let them in, they kept them out by kicking them down stairs as fast as they came. Some of them got sore heads, we continued my history, in the evening we went to Sisters Jane & Elizar Jones took Supper, there is sixteen different nations gethered to Utah besides those on the Society Islands

Thursday 24th [September 1857]

Bro Jones wrote my history the most of the day in the evening we took train for Dudley held a meeting with the Saints my text was no man can do any thing against truth


Friday 25th [September 1857]

Resumed my history again this morning continued untill 3 1/4 P M then went to the Station to meet Bro Pratt as he arrived from Liverpool, he informed me he had received a letter from Bro Brigham the Elders in the U N States were all called in but those labouring in the Mormon office some instructions for this mission in the evening Bro P Preached in the Villar Street Chapel, he took for his text, second Epistle of Peter first chapter 10 v wherefore brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure, for if ye do these things ye shall never fall spoke on the necsity of being zeald up against all sin only that was forbidden, connected the Baptism for the dead with it, ad to your faith virtu &c


Saturday 26th [September 1857]

Took train one P M for Cheltenham in Co with Bro Pratt arrived in good time several of the Elders met us at the Station

Sunday 27th [September 1857]

Met in conference 10 A M the buisness was done up Bro P then preached to us on ordinances of the house of the lord, the condition of the Saints in Utah, in the afternoon I preached one hour & a half on the necesity of prophits on the earth proved from the Bible that God would would raise up a nation of them in the last days also proved that Joseph was a true prophet from his own Revelations in the evening Bro P addressed the people he took his text in the 49 c Isaih 22 & 23 verses were the lord has said he will lift up his hand to


the Gentiles he also quoted from Ezekiel 20 c 33 34 35 & 36 verses 11 c of Isaiah 11 & 12 verses also 65 c 19 & 20 verses, then took up the testimony in favour of the book of mormon we had an exellent time all day and full house

Monday 28th [September 1857]

Bro Pratt left for Liverpool I visited among the Saints in the evening held a meeting in the Saints chapel, the Elders addressed the meeting

Tuesday 29th [September 1857]

I maild a letter to the Editor of the Mormon, wrote one to the Editor of the Western Standard some to my brethren in this land the weather has been verry pleasant this month; the crops are good some rot has appeared among the potatoes, this is the fine est Town in England


Wednesday 30th [September 1857]

Took train 10 A M in Company with Bro R F Neslin for Bristol arrived in good time for dinner put up with Sister Stevens 57 York Street St Philips in the evening I preached in the Saints hall a number of anti mormons present, a mobb was getherd the police was diligent kept them at bay, I preached on the first principals of the Gospel

October 1th Thursday [1857]

Wrote some letters to the Elders in the Evening walked out with Bro Robert and Samuel Neslin, there is an anti mormon society in this place it has brot a good deal of persecution upon the Saints; S6 is required to become a member, after that one Shilling a week to keep up exspences to carry on the mobbing Lecturing lieing &c about the Saints


Friday 2th [October 1857]

Wrote some letters visited through Town nothing verry desireable to look at in this place the inhabitants rather filthy and low there is some good Saints here as there is in any of the Conferences in the evening a number of the Saints came in Bro Bramell from the Valley was present

Saturday 3th [October 1857]

Took train in Company with Bro Robert Neslin for Bath we went praying and fasting in the evening we held a council meeting with the Elders and had a good time

Sunday 4th [October 1857]

Conference convened 10 A M done up the buisness quite a number of the Elders Spoke and testified in the afternoon I preached on the redemption of the Spirritual world


in the evening Bro Neslin addressed the congregation took for his text this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations then shall the end come Math 24 v 14 we had a full house and good attention during the day, we were insulted as we passed through the streets during the day at the close of our evening meeting the mobb of about two thousand had assembled around the chapel waiting for me to come out as soon as I made my appearance the mobb rushed upon me Bro Robert Neslin and Sister Ellen Stevens from Bristol, we started for the police station when arrived there with much difficulty being pushed about they tried to through us down a number of times, the inspec


ter of the police asked us into the Station, we remained about 15 minutes when to our surprise the Superintendant requested us to leave we told him the mobb was not dispersed he replied it was as much as it will be. I soon discovered that he was not willing to give us any protection, but urged us the second time to go and run the risk weather we got our heads broke or not, as soon as we started out the mobb commenced with ten times more venimous they throwed mudd horse manure and rock in abundance I was hit two or three times my eyes filled with mudd my hat knocked off four times, we came to the house where Bro Wm Norris 8 Gallaway buildings the owner Stood by the door and said no one should enter. Bro Neslin says


let us in for I lodge here and my friend must come also just at this time I had turned on the mobb to preach to them as Bro Neslin took me by the arm and pulled me into the house we went up stairs found Bro Norris family out, we remained there nearly one hour and a half the mobb came once threw stone pears &c at us but did not hit us, Sister Ellen got lost from us in comeing to this house the mobb had her down but she was determined to see what became of us, a short time through the kindness of a Lady she invited us to set in her room untill Bro Norris comes, we felt to bless her, we staid about one hour with Bro N Bros Hanham Samuel came to hunt us up Bro Neslin was hit on his jaw


we arrived at our lodgeings about one A M, the Saints have been mobbed in this place for the last 14 weeks, I am suffering some from knocks and a verry sore eye the people of this nation are ripe for distruction and they will be damed they done there best to kill me

Monday 5th [October 1857]

Took train for Bristol in Company with Bro Neslin I am suffering considerable this morning in my body and I feel as though I had just got over a Severe fit of sickness attend council in the evening with the pristhood gave them some instructions pertaining to there duties concering mobbs &c and I felt to bless them and the good Spirrit rested down upon us all, the Saints in this place have been much persecuted


Tuesday 6th [October 1857]

This morning I received a letter from Bro Ray requesting me to go to Liverpool to assemble in Council as Bros S W Richards & Geo Snyder had arrived from the Valley with important news, I left Bristol 3 P M for Liverpool arrived 11 P M found my brethren all right and I was much pleased to see them and hear from my family, we set in council till 2 A M talking over matters Bro Pratt decided that we would go home as soon as possible

Wednesday 7th [October 1857]

Remained in the office all day counciling with Bro Pratt and the brethren, we had letters wrote to all the pastors giveing them instructions to send me means for my emigration, and also to recommend such Elders as would be most efficient to take charge of the conferences


Thursday 8th [October 1857]

Remained in the office most of the day regulated my things preparitory for a start for home in the evening I went to the Station to meet Sister Emma Cook who came from Braintree to live in Liverpool.

Friday 9th [October 1857]

Remained in the office most of the day, on the 8 inst her magisty called a solemn fast meeting through out England & Ireland for the success in the Indian War

Saturday 10th [October 1857]

Remained in the office counciled with the brethren

Sunday 11th [October 1857]

Attended a conference in this place quite a number of the Elders spoke in the morning in the afternoon I preached Bro Pratt in the evening


and Bro Ray there was most an excellent feeling during the whole day, Bro Pratt told them that we should soon go back to Jackson County Mo, we set apart Bro S W Richards as the President of the Brittish mission, Asa Calkins his first Counciler and also to succeed him when he leaves as the President

Monday 12th [October 1857]

Remained in the office most of the day visited at Bro Thomas Williams stayed all knight

Tuesday 13th [October 1857]

Settled up my account with the office wrote some letters to the pastors one to Bro D Danils, packed up some of my things to be ready tomorrow for a start for my mountain home


[a different hand]

Lines addressed to Elder Ezra T Benson

Brother Benson, now retire,
Crowned with laurels from this land;
Thou dost need no poet’s lyre,
Struck by e’er so firm a hand.

Yet receive an honest tribute;
Poets will their homage pay:
Scorn not what the heart contribute,
Even from my humble lay.

Though thy mission here is ended,
Called to leave Britannia’s shore,
Yet art though with mem’ry blended;
Absence will endear thee more.

Go; but naught from Saints can sever
Those who to the cause are true;
Thou shalt be remember’d ever,
Though we give thee this adieu.
     E W Tullidge, October 12th 1857.


[continuing in a different hand]

Valedictory of Ezra T. Benson

To the Saints scattered throughout the European Mission greeting:—

Beloved brethren and Sisters—In the mysterious revolutions of God’s providence by which all things are moved according to His pleasure and purposes, my labours in these lands have been brought to an abrupt termination. The history of the Church, the signs of the times, and our own individual experiences point distinctly to one great fact—that God is cutting His work short in righteousness, and rolling along His strange designs with increasing velocity. He has risen up in power and put on His strength as in days of old. The nations are being moved to the accomplishment of the purposes of Jehovah. Unwittingly they are verifying the words of the Prophets and fast filling up the destiny of the world. The God of our Fathers is remembering His covenants unto His people Israel. The Spirit of the Lord moves upon their


hearts;—His power invigorates their souls. They trust in Him with great faith, and the “Still, Small Voice” whispers to them that Jacob shall not wax pale, nor the children of Zion be put to Shame. The designs of the wicked as well as the works of the righteous tend to one end—the establishment of the Latter-day kingdom and the development of its glory.

I am about dear Saints to return to my mountain home. But before leaving these lands I have felt moved upon to address to you a few words of comfort and counsel, as well also as to return you my grateful acknowledgments for your many acts of kindness to me, as a servant of the Lord Jesus. Those acts are engraven upon my heart. They will be to my remembrance sweeter than honey, and will be dwelt upon as precious manifestations of the love and faith of the Saints in Europe towards


the cause of God and His servants. You shall not be forgotten by me, and our Father in heaven will also have your works in remembrance. I bless you in the name of the Lord, and you shall be blest, if you continue in well doing.

Be not cast down, dear brethren and sisters, nor let your faith waver. If a cloud gathers for a moment be assured that behind every frown of Providence God hides for you a “smiling face”. There is no cloud in your future so thick that will not soon pass away and reveal to you a brighter sun.

Though for the time being the Emigration is closed think not that your deliverance [“tarries” crossed out] is far off nor imagine that God has forgotten the gathering of His Saints. In a moment, peradventure He will open the door again, and lead His people to Zion with an outstreached arm and power, such as heretofore He has not


manifested in their behalf. Perchance it will be found that hardly a break will be made in the great chain of gathering. In any case know that all is well! Fear not; sleep not; but be courageous; and awake O Israel, and behold the salvation of our God!

Let every Branch of the Church keep its organization compact, and its members full of faith. Let all be diligent; cease not your labours nor fall into lethargy. Go on as heretofore and Let your course be unbroken. Increase and not decrease. Multiply your works, add to your faith, gather fresh energy and determination, cement your union, and cultivate a double [“doubble” with second “b” crossed out] portion of wisdom and prudence. When the Lord [“shall” crossed out] again opens the way for your deliverance, [“remember brethren,” crossed out] be you prepared. In your connections with the world return not railing for


railing, but seek to conquer by love and kindness. Avoid aggravating the feelings of any. Be not aggressors, but act on the defensive. If you are persecuted let it be for righteousness sake, and not [“be” crossed out] the result of any unwise conduct on your part.

No weapon formed against Zion shall prosper, nor, device against the people of God flourish. I feel to bless all Israel. All who bless them shall be blest, and they who prophesy good concerning the people of God shall have good multiplied unto themselves, and the Spirit of their words shall not fail. But he who predicts evil shall be among false prophets, and they who rise up against the work of our God shall wither, and their influence depart. Those who fight against Zion “shall be as a dream of a night vision”. It shall be with them even “as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he


eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint.” In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I curse, by the authority of the holy Priesthood, every “Anti-Mormon” association movement, member, and leader throughout the world; and let all Israel say Amen.

Before leaving this land I feel once more to bear my testimony, through the medium of the Star, to the British Saints, and to all who shall peruse this communication. I know that God has again established His kingdom on the earth, and that it will never be overcome; but it shall ultimately hold universal dominion, and Jesus shall reign as its King forever. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to establish that kingdom, and that he accomplished the work given him—even the beginning of the


of the restitution of all things, and that he committed unto the Church the keys and power to continue what he had begun. He was one of the greatest of Prophets, and died a holy martyr of Jesus, sealing his testimony with his blood. I know that Brigham Young is his successor and that he is a man of God, and a Seer and Revelator to the Church of Christ. I know that the general authorities have for their object the glory of God and the salvation of man. Finally, I know that none can be saved in the Celestial Kingdom or escape the condemnation of the Lord, the Judge of all. [the following written above the line: “who receive not this work”] In the Day of Judgment this testimony shall be remembered to the confusion of those who reject it.

I will now close this communication by requesting an interest in your faith and prayers, and invoking the


choicest blessings of heaven to be multiplied unto you:

I am

Your Servant and Brother in Christ

Ezra T. Benson

[back to the original hand]

Wednesday 14th [October 1857]

Left the office about 2 P M to go a board the Steamer Baltic for New York, Sisters Williams & Emma Cook and a number of others came to the office took dinner with us bid us good by I had verry curious feelings in leaveing my field of labour so abruptly, my appointments were out and in anticipation till the first of January 1858, the lord has greatly blessed me in my labours in the Brittish mission. I feel to thank God my heavenly father [“it” or “if,” possibly crossed out] there is many one that lays near my heart


the boat did not start untill 5 P M the knight was dark and gloomey we had to run slow, on Thursday the 15 [October 1857] we had a good run, as we turned round the point of Ireland the wind began to raise, on the 16 [October 1857] a strong head wind, from the 17 to the 22 [October 1857] it stormed continually some portion of the time blowing a gale shiping seas everry few minutes so much so that we could not walk the decks, some of the Gents said that had crossed a number of times it was the ruffest time all most all were verry sick but myself 23d [October 1857] a nice fair morning sails all up passengers feel better 24d [October 1857] a beautifull morning dawned upon us not a riffle upon the Waters, we run at full speed all day


Sunday 25th [October 1857]

Cloudy some stormey the sea rather ruff, attended Devine Serveice in the first cabin about 250 present, heard a verry good discourse on morality by a sectarian priest

Sunday 25th [October 1857]

We arrived in New York 6 1/2 P. M. makeing eleven days from Liverpool, Bro Kay and Scott went to hunt W. S. Appleby the rest of us stayed aboard the boat

Monday 26th [October 1857]

We took our baggage a shore had it examined by the custum house officers I had to pay $21.00 on my pistols & three silk shirts Bro Pratt & Miller had some more to pay than I did, Bro Scott paid $8 dolls Bro Kay & Ray they had about the same that I had and got them through without paying


we all put up at Collens Hotell Corner Canal & West St, we pay 37 1/2 cents per day for our beds a peace or 1 25 and our meals found, about 11 A M Bro Appleby and the Brethren came in, we had a good chat about matters & things in Utah U N States Troops &c, news has just arrived here that our delegate left Utah 14th ult arrived in St Louis on the 24 inst would come direct to Washington City

Tuesday 27th [October 1857]

Wrote a letter to Bro S W Richards & A. Calkins to Liverpool informing them of our movements and the news of the day, in the evening Bro Appleby took me to Sister West where we spent the time verry pleasent with Bro Youngs daughters from Conn and a number of others


Wednesday 28th [October 1857]

We decided that we would go by the way of Panama to San Francisco, the fair will be $200 2 Cabins, in the afternoon I met Bro Appleby and the Sister Youngs at Taylors Saloon took dinner then went to the Christal palace saw many curiosities many improvements in machenary &c, so far as the magnitude of the building is concerned the grander the assortment of articles &c is far behind the one in London, I went and staid all knight with Bro A Bro Bernhisal has just arrived from the Valley Brot letters dates up to the 12 of Sept one from Bro Brigham urging the Saints to gether early in the Spring without fail come come is the word


Thursday 29th [October 1857]

I left Bro Appleby this morning came up to the Hotel to see my brethren in the evening we went to the Theater on broadway see some dancing or kicking up of heals which looked verry foolish

Friday 30th [October 1857]

Visited with the brethren in the Hotel at Collins, Bro Appleby and Young paid me a visit in the evening we went to the Theater

Saturday 31th [October 1857]

Dr Bernhisal came in to see me he gave it as his opinion the Saints would have to pass through a severe trial. I verry cordially agreed with him in the evening I took train with E R - - west port 47 miles from N.Y.


Sunday Nov 1th [1857]

I did not go out any where all day it was thought best not to be known among the Saints, Bro Young went to meeting. Margaret & Mary Staid at home to keep me Company

Monday 2th [November 1857]

I wrote a letter to Moses Dyer one to Joseph Thayer Esqr of Uxbridge, in the evening I took a Walk out and offered up a prayer for the safety of myself and brethren on our journey home

[Note: I count 48 blank pages at the end of the book]

- End -


Mission to England—Reminiscences, etc
A Discourse by Elder Ezra T. Benson, delivered in the Tabernacle,
Great Salt Lake City, Sunday Morning, January 24, 1858.
Reported by J. V. Long.

Journal of Discourses, 6:177–84

It will be two years the 22nd of next April since I started, in company with brother Orson Pratt and others, to take a mission to Europe; and it seems but as a dream for me to appear in your midst this morning. It seems as if it were only a few days since I was in the midst of this people; for the days, weeks, and months that have passed have gone swiftly, and it seems as though a great deal of the time had not been measured to me.

I presume this is the experience of many of you who are now before me; and although many of you have passed through scenes of trial, yet you have felt to realize your situation in the reformation more than you ever have done before. Feelings have come over you that you have never before experienced since you have been in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But, notwithstanding all our past failings and weaknesses, we have been greatly blessed and prospered, and the hand of the Lord has been over us for good all the day long.

Now, if we all realize and do actually know that God is with us—that he has forgiven our sins—that we are in fellowship with this people and have confidence to go before our God in prayer, knowing that our sins are put far away from us, no more to return again, unless through our disobedience, it is one of the greatest blessings that can be conferred upon us.

When I was called upon to leave these valleys, I felt that I had the prayers, fellowship, and confidence of this people; and if I had their confidence then, I am well persuaded I have it now. This reflection causes my heart to rejoice; and it is one of the greatest blessings that any man can enjoy to know that he is in full fellowship with this people.

Shall we be thankful to our God and this people for the faith and prayers that have been exercised in our behalf? These things have occupied my attention ever since I arrived home.

True, there is a warfare within me, and there is a warfare within every man and woman that has a name in this Church; and we have to guard against the intrusions of the Adversary. Upon what principles shall we guard against them? Why, live our religion. That is all we have to do; and I know that, by the power of faith and the Holy Spirit, we can root out everything that is contrary to the promptings of that Spirit, and we shall know for ourselves that we are the children of God.

I have been to England on a mission, sent by the First Presidency and the general authorities convened in Conference on the 6th day of April, 1856; and I can say I have had a prosperous mission, and have been greatly blest. As I have told the Elders, so I will say here, Any man who goes on a mission in these times, to the European nations, to the United States, or to the islands of the sea, and returns home with his scalp on, I think he should certainly acknowledge the hand of the Lord in it.

When we first arrived in England, all was peace, as a general thing. And do you know the reason why it was peace? Yes, you do. We could preach throughout England; we could preach in Germany, in France, in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway; we could preach in Wales, in Ireland, and Scotland, with but very little interruption; and, as a general thing, we had very good attention and good congregations. But when the reformation commenced in the Valleys of the Mountains, as the Saints were told beforehand, the Devil began to open his eyes and look at the Saints, not only in England, but throughout all the parts of the earth where the Latter-day Saints were located, and wherever the servants of God were travelling to preach the Gospel, and wherever the printed word was being circulated.

In all these places the Devil was up and dressed two hours earlier in a morning than he ever had been before, attending to his calling and kingdom, and doing that which was committed to him; for he has a work to do as well as we have, and he is most faithfully performing his part. Just in proportion to the diligence of the Saints in Zion and throughout the earth, so will the Devil work; and you cannot tell the time when his old nose has not been poked as near to the servants of God and to this kingdom as he could get it; and he would be right here to-day in this congregation and break up this meeting, if he had the power to do it.

Through the faithfulness of the Saints, I am led to believe that the kingdom is pretty well cleansed, especially from Gentiles and from Gentilism. But it is not so in the world; for the Devil has power in the midst of the Saints while they are amongst the Gentiles. But, as I told the Saints in England, there should always be a little place in the heart of every man and woman which they can call Zion; and it looks to me as if there were a good many here who could say Zion is in their bosoms, and that they have a place in their hearts which they can call heaven.

The Spirit of God flows to a greater extent from this stand than it does in any other place upon the face of the earth. There is more power here than in any other place.

I can say, in behalf of the English Saints, that they are a good people, and you know it as well as I do; and those who have been there know it, and you who have not been there know it by the spirit they bring when they come here.

As regards the work of the Lord, in general the Elders have been faithful. They have gone into the streets and into the lanes and borne a faithful testimony to the work of God and to what he was doing among the nations. To the honest their words have been sweeter than the honeycomb; but the great majority were unwilling to receive the message sent unto them.

I have taken a great deal of comfort and satisfaction in lifting up my voice before the people, and I have cried aloud and spared not, but told them what was in my heart. I felt it was my duty to vindicate the truths of the Gospel. I have also taken up the laws of the Territory of Utah and the laws and Constitution of the United States, pointing out to them the privileges and rights that are guaranteed unto us by those instruments.

I not only say this of myself, but I can say it of my brethren who have been associated with me; for we have had power to put down all opposition that has been raised against us, unless it was by an ungodly mob that was inspired by the Devil to get up sticks and stones and every kind of weapon they could procure, excepting firearms, which the law of the land forbids them to carry.

When they come with the Bible in hand, which they profess to believe, they are easily whipped out; and truth rises triumphant among the people, and the high and low and all that were intelligent could see and understand that we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that we have the authority which no other people possessed. There was not a minister or any other individual that held the authority which we had in our possession; and some were ready to acknowledge it, when the Spirit of the Lord was upon them. But how long would that last? Only long enough for them to get out of doors.

It is indeed a great thing to purify the Saints; and it is a great thing for a man to purify his heart. When a man’s heart is pure and scales are knocked off from his eyes, he can then see and comprehend the things of God—he can know the mind of the Lord in this land or any other; but if the scales are over his eyes as thick as canvas, he cannot see afar off. We all know that we have to live our religion here as well as in England; and I sometimes think it takes more faith to live in Zion than in another place; for there is more required of a congregation in Zion than there is in England.

The Saints in Denmark and in Sweden are inspired by the same Spirit that we are, and they are as good a people as I ever travelled amongst in my life. They do not generally understand the English language; but they can understand by what spirit a man is moved when he gets up to speak. They rejoice when an Elder from the Valley presents himself in their midst; and, to see a Valley Elder, they would get up of a morning and go 40 miles, and not stop for rain, thunder, or lightning till they got to their journey’s end.

There is a certain class of men that are honest in heart, but fear comes upon them when trials are presented, and they do not understand; they have not faith or confidence to stand up and say, “I am a Latter-day Saint, and if you want to mob, mob and be damned.” There are but few who can stand the trying day. A great many of the Saints have no faith to brook the insults cast upon them, and hence they hide up and keep out of sight of their enemies.

I told the Saints in Bath and Bristol that we were going home, before I had got any news; and, said I, “You have been mobbed, laughed at, and jeered by your enemies, and I want you to understand that you do not owe them anything. I am willing to be responsible for all the sin there will be if you immediately shut up your chapels and henceforth hold your meetings in some private house or little room, or some place where you will not be subject to the insults of mobs.” The next morning I got a letter for brother Pratt, informing me that I was called home.

I was not sent out to convert the world, but to warn the people, to vindicate the cause of the truth, to set forth the true character of this people politically, religiously, temporally, and spiritually, and to declare unto the nations of the earth the true situation of this community.

I want to live a long time yet, and I hope that I shall not die until the kingdom of God rises triumphant over all the powers that are organized in opposition to it.

A good spirit prevailed among the Saints in Europe when we left them, which was about the 14th of last October. Brother Samuel W. Richards and George Snyder arrived in Liverpool on the 9th of that month, and brother Pratt immediately wrote me word to come to Liverpool to prepare for returning home.

On the arrival of brothers Richards and Snyder, we held a council, at which it was decided that brother Pratt, myself, brothers John A. Ray, and John Kay, John Scott, and William Miller should return home. We immediately went to work and released all the Elders, except brother Calkin, of the English Mission, and brother Jabez Woodard, of the Italian Mission. The native Elders are just as anxious to come here as the American Elders.

Before we embarked for England, I had a few days’ time to spare, and I embraced the opportunity to go and visit my friends and acquaintances; and when I went amongst them, they immediately asked if I had come back to stay. “No,” said I.

“Then what are you come back for?”

“Why, to prove that you are false prophets; for you told me that in five years “Mormonism” would be broken up, and that the Saints of God would be scattered and peeled. “Now,” said I, “if you want to prophesy anything more about ‘Mormonism,’ prophesy good things—big things; for it is the kingdom of God, and it is set up in the mountains. It is the kingdom that Daniel saw, and it is going to spread and grow till it fills the whole earth.”

On the Sabbath I was in the neighbourhood where my friends lived, in the State of Massachusetts, and I told my brother that I wanted to go to old Milford to the meeting, whereupon he got out his carriage, and we drove off to the meetinghouse; and as soon as the minister got his eye upon me, he motioned me to come into the stand. He called me brother Benson, and said, “Sit down here.” He said, “Do you want to preach or to pray?” I said, “Yes, for I am a praying man.” I offered up as humble a prayer as I could, and then sat down. I learned then that he had a special lecture he wanted to deliver on politics; for it was when they were trying to elect Fremont President of the United States. He delivered his political sermon about the North and South; but there was not repentance or Gospel about what he said.

When he had concluded, he gave me the privilege of talking to the people, which I did for about half-an-hour. I knew that I had to talk in a very pious style, but I endeavoured to preach the Gospel in plainness; and the very moment that I came to the testimony of the Gospel—to declare that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, and the Brigham Young is his successor—good gracious! you could see the devils dancing in the countenances of the people, and the influence ran from heart to heart. However, they kept quiet, though very uneasy. After my remarks, they claimed the privilege of asking questions. One gentleman asked if we believed in slavery. I told him, No, we did not; “but,” said I, “we believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the Gospel of liberty, for it open the door of freedom and throws off the fetters of bondage.”

“Well,” said he, “do not you believe in freeing the negroes?”

I answered, “No; the Lord will do that.”

“Ah,” said he, “the Mormons do believe in slavery; for they permit men to bring their slaves into their Territory.”

I them went on to show him our views upon the subject; but I could see my remarks did not satisfy the people.

The next man who came on to the carpet wanted to know how many wives brother Brigham had. I replied, “I have not come here to lay before this people the domestic affairs of my Governor. It is a question I never asked him myself, for I never took the pains to inquire anything about it. But still, as I am a Yankee, I will guess, if that will do you any good. Now,” said I, “I will be honest with you, for your pastor has given me the freedom of speech; and if I may judge for appearances, I should presume he has some fifty or sixty.”

He then asked, “Why do you believe in that doctrine?”

I replied, “Why did Abraham believe in it? Why do you wish to raise a quarrel with me, when all the Prophets spoken of in the Bible you believe in both taught and practised it?” He could not tell; but the amount of it was, he wanted to put down “Mormonism”—not that he could rebut the testimony that was presented, but he had a spirit to endeavour to put down the cause of God.

The principles of the Gospel are going to either damn or save all to whom they are presented. There are hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of people in the world who this day know that “Mormonism” is true, and they are using their money and their influence to hinder its progress.

The priests of the day are ready to collect their pence and shillings to persecute the Saints of God and to foster and sustain those who will do it.

Wherever you find a man in England, in Germany, or in Denmark, who takes the periodicals of the day, he can sit down and tell you all about the Latter-day Saints. He can tell you what we believe; and, providing you could converse with him without his knowing you were a “Mormon,” or a servant of God sent to him with the everlasting Gospel, he would sit down and tell you all about “Mormonism.” But you must appear as a stranger and ask, “Do you know anything about the Latter-day Saints in Utah?” “O yes,” he will say, and proceed to tell you what we believe. But the moment you let him know who you are and undertake to preach to him, he will turn round and deny everything he has said. What is the reason of this? It is because he is dishonest and has partaken of the spirit of the father of lies, who is determined to use his influence and power to the injury and destruction of the Saints of God.

I was received in Massachusetts as I never was before by my friends, for they hailed me with joy. But were they ready to receive the Gospel? No—no more than they were fourteen years ago. I could see they had a spirit to persecute the Saints, and they would have been as easily lit up as a lucifer match. “Well,” said one, “did you come that way back?” “No, and I never want to go again, unless the Almighty commands me.”

When we came to New York we looked through the pioneer trail, but it did not look right: but when we looked south, it was all light; so we took the steamer for the Isthmus.

We had on board 1,150 passengers, 200 or 300 of whom were United States troops. When we were loading up, the soldiers were driven on board, like pigs, as thick as they could stand.

Government is shipping men round by the Isthmus of Panama to California, and we were informed the next steamer was to bring 600 men. There was a good deal of fault found by the officers of Government because there were only 250 along with us; but it was said, “They are going to ship them by thousands to California, and then forward to Utah.”

They said they were coming to California; but when we asked them privately where they were destined for, they said, “We are going to Utah.”

It is so also in Kansas. They have all sworn, old Harney included, that they will not give sleep to their eyes nor slumber to their eyelids until they have destroyed the “Mormons.” They design in their hearts to blot “Mormonism” out of existence, and they feel like using their money for the accomplishment of this object, and even go so far as to say their purses shall be open for their means to be used in the fitting out of men for the Territory of Utah; and they say they will come from the north and from the south and from the east and surround this people by thousands and by tens of thousands, until we are wiped out.

This is their feeling, as a general thing, and it seems as if all earth and hell are united against the “Mormons.” They have not got here yet, have they? Catching is always before hanging!

The halters are already made which they design shall hang the Governor, the members of the Legislative Assembly, and every faithful Elder in the Church; for they feel determined to swing you up between the heavens and the earth. We understand their plays and their schemes, for we have been in their midst.

The inquiry may arise, “Did you ever hear one man say anything in our favour?” Yes, we have heard more than one who dared come out and vindicate the character of this people, but it would generally be in private circles. I have heard a man say that he had been among this people, had been treated well, and never saw a better people in his life; and he said he believed that all those reports that were in circulation were a pack of damned lies.

There was a man travelling on the packet with us who used to attend the threshing-machine for William Macpherson, in this city. He vindicated the character of this people. He did not recognize us; but I knew him as soon as I saw him. He said, in conversation with men on the boat, “I am a rambling sort of a chap; but if I were going to live and settle down, it would be in Utah.” I asked him if he thought the “Mormons” were going to fight. He said, “No, they are not; for they are not a fighting people; but it is those lying editors. The Mormons are a peaceable, quiet people.”

When the standard of freedom is raised, we shall bid all classes welcome to the rights and privileges of liberty. When that day comes, people can come with all creeds and enjoy their liberties, providing they will acknowledge the laws of God; and I can tell you they will come by hundreds, by thousands, and by tens of thousands. Yes, they will flock to the standard of liberty.

There is not a master-spirit on the earth at the present time who dare take this stand and raise the flag of liberty, bidding welcome to all nations, except President Brigham Young. The very move that has been made for the last six months will preach louder and stronger than all the Elders of Israel.

The standard of liberty is about to be unfurled. Good laws will be maintained, and the virtuous and innocent will have their rights and privileges guaranteed unto them; and we mean to stand in defence of those principles of right, even to the laying down of our lives, if necessary. When a man will stand in defence of the truth, he has more power and influence among the nations of the earth than a dozen of the ungodly.

If ever I felt like preaching the Gospel, it is now; and I would not ask for a better mission than to take my valise and travel through the Territory of Utah; and I know that in doing so I should travel amongst the best people in the world. I have seen the contrast between this people and the world most visibly during the last three or four months.

What is the condition of the Government of the United States? They are all looking at the President, just as a child would, apparently expecting that something would be done. They are hoping and expecting that Government would take “Mormonism” in hand and wipe it out of existence in a few days. But Uncle Sam, uncle Bill, uncle Tom, and all our uncles and cousins, will find something to do if they attempt such a thing.

The people of the United States seem paralyzed, and do not know what to do. They are waiting for the Government to call for volunteers, and then they say they are all ready to go. California people say they are all ready to rally. But I tell you, I believe what brother Brigham has said—They will not come here. The priest in the pulpit is ready, and says, “O yes, we must go and wipe out the Mormons; but do not ask me to go.”

This is like an old man that had some boys, and when he wanted a job of work done he would say, “Go, boys, and do that:” but his neighbour, who had a lot of boys also, when he wanted anything done, used to say, “Come, boys, let us do that.” It is just so with the priests, lawyers, doctors, and all others who are opposed to “Mormonism:” they say, “O yes, go and wipe out the Mormons,” but they never want to go themselves.

I will tell you, the majority of the people of the States do not care the ashes of a rye straw for their officers, and it is just so in the army: in fact, they none of them care much for each other; but they care a good deal for Uncle Sam’s money.

When we landed in San Francisco, the officers were so much afraid that the troops would desert, that they went and guarded them themselves; and we left them patrolling the docks there. The officers were Yankees, stiff and starched, and they said, “Mormonism must be extinguished;—yes, this must be done.”

“Colonel Casey, what do you think about it?” He seemed to be a peaceable kind of man, and said he could not tell what would have to be done. The Colonel was then asked if he fostered the idea of going to an innocent people and exterminating men, women, and children? He said, “I do not like it; it is contrary to my feelings; but the Government of the United States have taken the thing in hand, and we, as officers, are compelled to carry out their plans, or resign.”

Let us do the very best we can, brethren and sisters; for the day may come when we may be thankful for every foot of greasewood and of desert country there is between us and our enemies.

I am glad that we came through on the southern route, for I have been enabled to learn a little of the road.

The editors in the States are prompting Government to bring their troops from the south. Why, they do not know; only they are not, on that route, so subject to snow-storms, and they can travel in the winter. But I can tell them, the south route is ten times worse than the east: it is one perfect desert from Muddy Creek clear through. There is now and then a patch of grass on the journey. But what can a large army do?

The kanyon coming up the Santa Clara is quite as good as Echo, and some think a little better. It does seem as if those mountains and kanyons have been prepared on purpose; and we have great cause to be thankful for those natural defences.

Here we have liberty to do right and legislate for our own benefit, and we feel that this is our home.

I told sister Richie on Painter Creek, when she invited us to breakfast, and set before us some butter, milk, and bread, that is was the best meal I had eaten since I left home; and I enjoyed it much better than I did the dainties that were provided while I was crossing the Isthmus.

I feel to back up all the plans of my brethren who have the right to dictate, and to bear off this kingdom to the nations; and this is the feeling of my brethren who have returned with me.

We are now ready to go and preach the Gospel, to go into the kanyons and help to fight our enemies, or to do anything that is required of us; and I feel to say, with all the power and authority of the Priesthood that is conferred upon me, God bless our leaders with wisdom, with power, with influence, with cattle, with horses, with sheep, with wives, with children, with houses, with lands, and with everything their hearts can desire before God. This is my prayer all the day long; and when I feel so, I feel strong in the mighty God of Jacob, and I know that he blesses them with his Spirit.

I feel to say, Latter-day Saints, in the name of the Lord, be ye blessed; for ye are the only people that God acknowledges on the earth, as an organized community, politically and religiously, spiritually, physically, and mentally,—the only people that are to be found who are willing to acknowledge that God has established his kingdom with Apostles and Prophets.

A great many of the people of this generation have turned infidels; but still the sectarians have their Scripture-readers, and they go through all the formalities of religion. One man came to me and wished to know if I would like to have the Bible read to me. I told him yes, for I was fond of anything that was good. I asked him if he believed in angels. He said, “O no; the power of God is done away;” and everything is done away among them, only just what a man can do; and men set themselves up who have no vitality nor intelligence in them. It is all like the chaff before the wind. We are truly a blessed people, for we have the light of eternal life; and, notwithstanding the howling of the priests, if we do as brother Brigham says, we shall come off victorious.

I believe this people are ready to do anything required of them; and if they continue in this way, all will be well with them, and nothing can stand before them.

I heard a man say that he did not care what was said against this people, he was ready to believe it; and I can say that such a man is ready to be damned, and he will be damned.

I bear this testimony that I know this to be the work of God, and I take great pleasure in proclaiming it.

I ask an interest in your prayers, that I may have the spirit of obedience and be enabled to do as I am told from this time henceforth and for ever. Amen.

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