[Ezra T. Benson to Brigham Young, Mt. Pisgah, 6 Aug. 1846, in Journal History, 17 Aug. 1846, pp. 3–4]

Mt. Pisgha Aug 6, 1846.

Pres Brigham Young.

Dear Brother:— I arrived last evening I am well. I met about one hundred wagons between here and the Bluffs and found considerable sickness among the brethren. Bishop Hunter’s company is here, comprising about fifty wagons, all well and in good spirits. Pres. Huntington and Gen. Rich with their families are quite well and in fine spirits. There has been much sickness here and some bad cases but many are recovering; although some are still feeble. The saints here are enjoying peace and plenty; the crops are growing very fast and likely to produce abundantly. Peas, cucumbers and beans now form the table vegetables at Mt. Pisgah. They have fine prospects for potatoes, turnips, melons, pumpkins, [page break] and squash. The field is well fenced and the saints will no doubt have good times here. I took a ride round the field and find the corn silked out and some of the buck wheat in flower.

      Father Huntington and Gen. Rich send their respects.

                                                                        Ezra T. Benson