[E. T. Benson to J. C. Little?, New York, Feb 5, 1848, photocopy from Tom Ball (from FHL or USHS?)]
Dear Br.? J. C. Little,
I have been delegated and appointed by the first Presidency of the Church, with all necessary credentials from the same, to come east, and so be it [?], and procure means for the Camp to assist in going over the mountains, in the spring the Camp is in wait, and means we must, and means we are determined to have by the grace, and strength of Joseph’s God to assist us. and I wish you to cooperate with me, as I am duly authorized to call and appoint, any responsible elder here to assist me. I have duly appointed you, and I wish you to use your utmost influence, your faith, and prayers, energy and perseverence in helping to accomplish the thing desired and be emphatic, and take no denial if you can help it, tell them you make your call in the name of the Lord and yield not, until you have accomplished the object in view, unless compelled to or until hope is fled, --- --- commence your mission immediately at home --- --- endeavor to arange your business so as to come to Boston, so we can arrange matters, and mis-- by the time Brother Appleby returns from Vermont the --- --- finds your commission here enclosed, and if you desire any thing further when we meet you can have them
In the bonds of the
Christ[?]. Your Bro. E. T. Benson