[Orson Hyde, Geo. A. Smith, and Ezra T. Benson to the Saints in Iowa, 4 Apr. 1849; in Frontier Guardian, Kanesville, Iowa, 4 Apr. 1849, p. 2 (or Journal History, 27 Apr. 1849, pp. 1–2) ]
Frontier Guardian, 4 Apr 1849
Fasting and Prayer
By the advice and consent of our wise counselors and principal men in Israel, we do hereby advise and request all members of our Church in this county (Pottawattamie county, Iowa), and as many others as may be disposed to observe Friday, the 27th day of April, as a day of Fasting and Prayer.
The branches of our Church abroad, are requested to publish this notice in their meetings on the first Sunday after receiving it, and appoint the following Friday after they have given their notice, as a day of Fasting and Prayer to be observed by them.
On the day of your solemnities, let every countenance be cheerful; and between this time and that, let every person lay by something for the poor. The fast that the Lord appoints, is “To deal your bread to the hungry, break every band, and let the oppressed go free.”
1st: Pray for the health, peace and general prosperity of your friends and brethren in the Valley.
Secondly: For our success in fitting out emigrants to go westward; for our health, peace, union and prosperity in all our various pursuits here; for the season to be a favorable one in this region, in the Valley and elsewhere, for the success of the cause in England, for the safety of the emigrants in crossing the ocean, and for the revival and gathering in of the various remnants scattered through the States, and for the general prosperity of Zion’s cause in every land.
Thirdly: Pray for the President and rulers of the land, that they may manage wisely and faithfully administer justice, mercy and truth; and in particular, we advise you to pray for Dr. Selman, President of the Senate of Iowa, who, we are informed proffered, on the consecrated floor of the Senate Chamber, in Committee of the Whole, to head a mob to drive us from our quiet and peaceful homes, for no other crime that we know of than for voting for the man whom we believe an overruling Providence designed to place in the Presidential Chair. Ask the Lord to make him ashamed of his hard speeches made against a people that never injured him, neither wish to. We want he should be made a good hearted man, so that when he comes out here to electioneer again to get the votes of the low and dispised “Mormons,” to be cast in favor of the Democrats, we may not look upon him as leading a mob and be afraid. Let it be your prayer. O Lord! Make him a good man, so he won’t want to shed Mormon blood, that he may be saved in heaven.
Let your gifts and offerings for the poor be brought to your meetings on the day of your fast, and placed in the hands of your Bishop, presiding Elder, or in the hands of any other person whom you shall appoint to receive and distribute them.
Should there be any difficulty in any branch of the church, let it be settled on the day of your fast, if not sooner. Do not be so anxious to have your brother confess his sins and right all his wrongs as you are your own. Be blind to your brother’s faults, but search closely for your own, and confess them. Your brother’s faults will not harm you. It is your own that you ahve reason to fear. Repent then, Repent! On that blessed day, let every member of the Church repent for him or herself and not for another. Let manual labor cease and let every one who has named the name of Christ offer up his, or her most solemn prayers and sanctify your devotions by liberal offerings to the poor and need. “Blessed is he that consider the poor, the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” (David).
Your brethren, in the Bonds of the Gospel,
Orson Hyde,
Geo A. Smith
Ezra T. Benson
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles