[Ezra T. Benson to Brigham Young and Council, Kanesville, 15 Nov. 1851, in Deseret News, 6 Mar. 1852, p.1; Journal History, 15 Nov. 1851, pp. 1–2 (not in Brigham Young Papers).]
Kanesville, Nov. 15, 1851.
President Brigham Young and Council:—
Dear Brethren:—I take this opportunity to say a few words to you on paper, to let you know what is going on in this land. We landed at the Missouri in just forty days, and we think it was a quick trip for one set of animals to perform so late in the season; at any rate I do not wish to try it over again this fall. I feel thankful to the Lord that the prayers of my good brethren were propitious in our behalf. Only one storm on Deer Creek, the 9th of October, of any note. A history of our journey I presume you have, ere, this, written to you by Bro. Samuel, from Ft. Kearney. [See Samuel W. Richards to Brigham Young, Fort Kearney, 27 Oct. 1851; LDS CA CR 1234 1 reel 31 bx 22 fd 10; see also Samuel W. Richards to Joseph Cain, excerpted in Deseret News, 6 Mar. 1852; also Journal History, 12 Nov. 1851; Willard Snow, in Journal History, 3 Nov. 1851]. Last Saturday and Sunday there was a conference held in this place. A goodly number were present, both saint and sinner; they received with joy our teachings, testimony and the good things that we had in the valley; and truly the spirit of the gathering rests upon the people. The hand cart and wheel-barrow trains took first rate, and you may expect to see it tested next season. Bro. J. Grant, Smoot, Snow, Richards, and Shirtliff took the stage for St. Louis this morning, the rest of the Brethren follow after in a private conveyance. There has been for the last five days, a severe storm of snow and rain. Hon. A. W. Babbitt arrived last Monday, very much afflicted with boils. He is on his way to Washington.
South Carolina is casting her disunion Cannon. Spain is rigging up her men-of-war, and her entire fleet to go to America. John Bull whispers in her ear all right, backed up by France.
Bro. Russell has just arrived here from Scotland, with iron to build 50 wagons to transport machinery for a Woollen factory, and sugar making, directed by elder John Taylor. Good reports and almost dailly received at the Guardian Office, of work abroad. A number of elders are now preaching and baptizing, with much success in the States. There have been considerable chills and fever in this region, few deaths; Dr. Coulson, one of the number; his loss is much felt among the sains [sic]. Elder Hyde and family are all well; he feels well towards the saints, and they feel well towards him, and a lively good spirit is manifested throughout, thus far among the saints, and I feel thankful and satisfied to go forward cheerfully, in the discharge of my duty, and do the best I can in getting the people out of this place the coming season. I should like to have a few lines from you the next mail if convenient. My prayer is that the peace of God may rest upon you continually, and upon all the faithful, for “Mormonism” must stand while wicked men howl and gnash their teeth, who will soon call for the rocks and mountains to fall on them, to hide from the face of the Lord.
I remain your friend and brother in Christ,
E. T. Benson