[Brigham Young to Ezra T. Benson, Great Salt Lake City, 31 Jan. 1852, CR 1234 1, Reel 25 bx 17 fd 1; or Journal History, 31 Jan. 1852, p. 4]
G. S. L. City, Jan. 31, 1852.
Ezra T. Benson
Dear Brother, —
By the News Extra and Father Hyde’s letter you will obtain the principle items of interest from this far off region, where we have only just heard of the reception of the Gentile officers as they report themselves, in the United States. We are differently situated a little from what we were then a man could go in one night to Carthage or Warsaw, and the next day have the myrmidons of Satan upon our heels. Herein truly “distance lends enchantment to the view.” We are going on about as usual, a general time of health prevails and quiet and peace reigns supreme in all the land, long may it continue say I until the Saints of the Most High and the hosts of Israel shall fill every corner and nook thereof, and become very numerous, until [she] shall be able to marshal her thousands and tens of thousands for the redemption of Zion, when the glory of the Lord will go before them as a pillar of fire by night, and cloud by day. Urge on the emigration with all your might. Tell the people not to be afraid of the plains to encounter them with any kind of conveyance that they can procure, with their hand-carts, their wheel-barrows, and come on foot pack an animal if they have one and no other way to come. I send you copy of my answer to Mr. Whittlesy, First Comptroller of the treasury, lest either copies sent may miscarry. Your family are all well, and Bro. Benson, the Lord is on our side, therefore be of good heart and rejoice in the Lord of Hosts, for he is our God and his arm is mighty to save even to the uttermost. We shall feel gratified again to meet [page break] when you shall have accomplished your mission, as also Brothers Hyde and Grant.
May the peace of God rest upon you and all his Saints is the prayer of your brother in the Gospel of Christ,