[Willard Richards and Thos. Bullock to Ezra T. Benson, Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, 3 May 1852; in Journal History, 3 May 1852, p. 2]

                                                G. S. L. City, Utah Territory, May 3, 1852.

Dear Brother Benson: We received your two letters on the 30th ult., which were forwarded yesterday morning along with some other dispatches to Pres. B. Young by an express; he having started on the 22nd of the same month with a number of the brethren including Bro. Orson Pratt, Geo. A. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, Daniel H. Wells and others for the most southern part of the territory to find a place, if possible, to locate a settlement where cotton and grapes could be cultivated to the extent that would supply our whole community. Your letters contained News cheering to the heart of every saint and which gave us unfeigned satisfaction to know of the general removal for the saints from Pottawattamie and of their ability in this respect which only answers our expectations. But you have not informed us of how many are going to walk the plains this season, with wheelbarrows and handcarts, the number of whom you are requested to communicate to Pres. B. Young immediately as upon this depends in a great measure his going out to meet the coming companies, and this information should be obtained if possible by his arrival from the expedition alluded to, which is expected to be in the month of June next. Ninety-three persons at our late conference bravely and generously volunteered to meet the travelling saints with teams and provisions who are also contemplating to start in June, on which account also we should be correctly advised as to the number coming, for if, as may be inferred from your letter that few will venture across the plains on foot, truding the hand carts etc such a large preparation of relief will not be needed and those coming with wagons and with teams can trust in them for succur as heretofore and the labor of those who will not be so required to go out is needed and can be used to much greater advantage in our midst, than in leaving their homes of industry, their fields, and their crops to return to the earth, in order to go and assist those who are able to help themselves.

      It would be well if on receipt of this, you would get a list prepared of the names of all those who are coming, with the strength of each man’s team, arranged under the heads of the different captains, etc., so that we could know what to do in regard to giving assistance. This from your past experience you know would be very desirable to all in these vallies.

      Conference was held in the New Tabernacle, which had been finished for the purpose and was dedicated the first day, Tuesday, 6th of April, and when these brethren in the public assembly thus volunteered as also on the previous and the following days on which the conference was held, from Tuesday to Sunday inclusive, such an outpouring of the good spirit from God, was manifested, such union, love, and joy beamed in each countenance of that vast assembly with the manifestations of the Holy Ghost. From press of business I will close praying my heavenly father to shower upon you his choicest blessings, kin the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

                                                Thos. Bullock, Willard Richards.