[E. T. Benson to Brigham Young, Ferry Ville, Missouri, 1 Jul. 1852, CR 1234 1, Reel 51 bx 38 fd 1; or Deseret News, 7 Aug. 1852; or Journal History, 1 Jul. 1852, p. 1]

[Introduction from Des News: Major Hiram Kimball arrived Aug. 3d, bringing [a] letter from E. T. Benson to Prest. B. Young, dated July 1st, 1852, Ferryville, Mo. river, from which we extract the following:” This transcript is from the original, not the Des. News version.]

                  July 1st 1852

                                                            Ferry Ville [Mo]

Prest B. Young

      Dear Bro.

            I take my pen to say few words to you in haste. yesterday Bros Armstrong & co arrived here all well and in good spirrits Brot us good news from the Valley, I will here acknowledge the recipt of two letters which is all I have received from you since I left, the last I think was dated March 1st Dr Richards dated May 3d informed me that you have not been made acquainted with the amount of our emigration &c handcarts wheelborrows, I will here say I have endeaverd to keep you posted up everry month concerning all movements pertaining to the saints at this and other places in this region of country since I have been here, I will endeaver to give you a short sketch of matters and things as they now stand I am thankfull to my heavenly father that I can say to you that prosperity attends the saints in emigrating it is more than I anticipated, I have organised 18 Companys from 50 to 75 waggons in each Co. I believe it will amount to 1200 hundred waggons, all across the Missourie River and have taken up the line of March, well riged out with Teams clothing provision &c there is but few exceptions from my judgment but what they are as well fited as the saints [page break] that have crossed before; there is quite a number yet to go two or three Companys quite a number of the poor yet to get off, that will proberbly must have weak teams I would here suggest the propriety of sending some relief, such as strenth of team, some provisions for the last Companys. Elder Hyde gets off in two or three days. I have warned all of them to be off by the 4 of July, but I exspect it will be by the 10 before we shall all get off, and then calculate to cross as quick as horses can carry me; and at the same time learning the situation of everry Company, There is no hand carts nor wheelborrow trains Before we could get one started, they would turn into waggons & teams, merricles have been wrought here in get[ting] off the saints & this to my astonishment; and may the Lord ever be praised for his goodness and his wonderfull works to the children of men. My soul rejoices and my heart is Glad. I never took more satisfaction in my life on a mission than I have in this,, The Lord has been with me and that to bless. Elders Taylor, Grant, Snow is here Elder Richards is exspected every hour I calculate to see you by the 2 of Aurgust the Lord willing, I consider it a moderate estimate to say there is 6000 suls with these 1200 waggons, and I believe in all that will emigrate to the Valley, of our people will be at least 10000 souls this season, tell the Dr. I feel thankfull that he mentioned that my family was well [page break] I have not received any word from them for some time, there has been messengers now twice from from [sic] the Valley and not the first word only what the Dr wrote in his last letter to me

      I Remain as Ever your undeaviating friend and fellow Labourer in the Gospel of Christ

                  E T Benson