[E. T. Benson to Brigham Young, Pacific Creek, 28 Sep 1854, Deseret News, 28 Sep. 1854.]
Pacific Creek, 20th Sept. 1854. [**CHECK DATE]
President Brigham Young and Council:
Dear Brethren,—Our circumstances and situation are as good as could be expected, considering what this camp has had to encounter. We have travelled with our heavy loads and weak teams beyond all human calculation.
There has been trouble between the soldiers and the Sioux at Laramie, 31 soldiers being killed. I was on the ground the third day after it was done. The whole country is quite in an excitement, the traders fleeing in all directions, and expecting a general war.
All this happened through an unwise move of Lieutenant Gratten and the interpreter. The chief offered to settle the question on fair terms, but the officer would not, and commenced firing on the Indians. The cannon was elevated too high, and only clipped the tops of the lodge poles; the old chief and his brother were wounded, and have since died. Before the troops had time to reload, they were all shot down.
On the 18th we met Captain Blackburn, Casper Young and their parties to help up the trains. We were glad to see them all well. Brother H. S. Eldridge and the brethren who came with him, with the mule teams, start for the Valley this morning; the rest of us will come as soon as possible.
E. T. Benson