[Report of a Conference in Wales, March 1857, including speeches by Elder Ezra T. Benson]
The Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star
Vol. 19 No. 19 (9 May 1857), pp. 289–96
[Transcriber’s Note: There are three levels of emphasis: italics, small caps, and all caps. I wasn’t able in my word processor to duplicate the small caps.]
Report of a Conference of the Presiding Elders of the Welsh Conference, Assembled at “Udgorn Seion” Office, Swansea, on Thursday and Friday, the 12th and 13th of March, 1857, for the Purpose of Commencing a Reformation in the Welch Mission
Officers Present
Ezra T. Benson, of the Twelve Apostles.
Daniel Daniels, William Miller, and James Taylor the Presidency of the Welsh Mission, and Israel Evans, and Benjamin Ashby, late-Counsellors.
John E. Jones, Pastor of the North Wales Conferences; Abednego Williams, Benjamin Evans, John Davies, John Thomas, David Davies, Thomas Rees, Edward D. Miles, Joseph Griffiths, and Thomas Jones, the Presidents of the South Wales Conferences; and several travelling and local Elders.
Reporter—William Lewis, of the Udgorn Seion Office.
The Conference was opened by singing “Jesus, mighty King in Zion;” Elder Ashby engaged in prayer.
President Benson said—”Beloved Brethren: I feel glad to meet you on such an occasion as this; but, as others of our brethren who are expected have not arrived, we shall not commence our business in a regular and systematic form until they arrive. I think it will be good for us, inasmuch as we have assembled, to bow down in humility before our God, pray to Him, sing, speak, and edify each other, for a short time, and then adjourn until one o’clock, p.m., when the absent brethren are expected to be here.
“ feel that it is going to be an important time with this people—when they will have to serve either God or Mammon, wholly, and undividedly. An ancient Prophet said to the people of Israel, ‘If the Lord be God, follow Him; if Baal, then follow him.’ As I have the inestimable blessing of understanding the principles of the Gospel, I feel to serve God. I believe that you feel to worship and serve the same God, and to follow the same counsels—to labour with your might in His vineyard while the day lasts.
“I do not intend to talk much about the past, but about what is going to take place; I want to hear an expression of your feelings first. I give you equal liberty with myself to pour out the contents of your souls—to speak the sentiments of your hearts, fearlessly and deliberately, from brother Daniels down. If you have any grievances to tell—any dissatisfaction, bitterness, or animosity towards all or any of your Presidents—if [p.290] you feel that the reins are drawn too tight, or whether they are too slack; if the latter, we will tighten them for you. We cannot enjoy any great degree of the Spirit of God unless we feel liberty to unbosom our feelings to each other, and unless we ‘counsel much together’ as President Brigham Young instructs us to do.
“I have desired to visit this spacious field of labour, among the first to whom I would endeavour to carry the Reformation, and to meet the presiding Elders of this mission at some convenient place, that we might have an understanding with each other about the important reformation that is required—to fast and pray, and to humble ourselves before the Lord, and to hammer and pound you, if necessary, until you can rightly repent of your past slothfulness and sins, confess them, and then go down into the waters of baptism, and renew your covenants.
“I expect that an improvement will be made throughout this mission—that more will be accomplished by brothers Miller and Taylor than have been by brothers Evans and Ashby; not because the latter have not been faithful, but because of an increase of light, and of more opportunities, advantages, and power. You will from henceforth lay hold of the thing by the handle, to lead it as you wish, and, when it is necessary, we know how to use the cudgel.
“The Presidency of the European Mission, have been instructed to go into the different Conferences of the Church, and effect a thorough reformation, by stirring up the people to a sense and to the accomplishment of their duties; commencing at each place with the presiding authorities—to awaken, arouse, stir, and shake them, and, if necessary, to kick and thump, hammer and pound them, until we are satisfied with the result. I hope you are like pliable clay, that may be moulded into vessels of honour. After vessels have stood the workings of the mill, and have been properly moulded, they have the burning process to go through. Many crack by being burned. I hope that you will be worked into the proper form before I leave. [President Young’s letter on the Reformation was then read.]
“I wish to know your feelings and intentions—whether you intend to be obedient to those above you. I have a President—brother Pratt, I am passive in his hands; if he tells me to go, I go; if it be to return, I return immediately, I return by first train, and am ready to ask, ‘How can I serve you, President Pratt? Shall I black your boots, run on an errand, or go to the wharf, and see if there is a ship which can be chartered?’ I am always on hand, and ready to go to any part of the earth where I am sent, or to do anything required of me. I wish to see the spirit of humility resting upon all my brethren. When you have the spirit of humility, the spirit that leads to exaltation is upon you. In some instances, instead of this humble and sociable spirit, there is ambition and self-conceit. The differing Pastor and President stand aghast from each other grinning like bears, and afraid of crossing each other’s path, lest a fight ensue. Indeed, the condescending Pastor sometimes thinks the dignified Conference President a greater and wiser man than himself; or the aspiring President thinks himself a person of greater consequence than his Pastor, or, at least, that he ought to be so placed, and, in some instances, the great man has been a Pastor! This spirit, if found here, must be kicked out of the mission; and every one shall occupy his own place. The responsibility of the Welsh Mission devolves upon its President, brother Daniels, and not upon his Counsellors; they are only responsible for what he enjoins upon them. This intended reformation in Wales must commence in the head, and then go downwards to the feet and toes.
“If any of us grieve the man who is over us in the Lord, I tell you it will hinder us from receiving much of the Holy Spirit. Such hindrances, if we find them here, must be removed. We want to be blessed and prospered—to see the kingdom rolling forth. If we will not do it, we shall be removed; and others, who will do it, be placed in our stead.
“All people do not always do things in the same way. If I have my peculiarities and faults, you should bear with me; if my ways are different to those of any other person, you should put up with them; I have lately been with brother Ross in the London Pastorate, where I have been preaching the reformation, until at last I had things in the shape I wanted them—the brethren came to comprehend in the same light as I did. Brother Ross said that he had been labouring under four different administrations in the British Mission, [p.291] and had found that each of them differed in their policy. That might have been to some extent; circumstances differ. We control circumstances to some degree; yet, some circumstances will control us; but we should control them as far as practicable.
“I want to see your eyes opened, and your understanding enlightened—the veil of darkness and tradition torn from your eyes, that you may comprehend that which is for your own good. It is your duty and to your interest to keep the Word of Wisdom, to study how to be most diligent and economical. Some Elders in this mission run about, walk, or ride, as far as they please, go where they like, talk, and do what they please without the permission or instruction of their President, send out a Travelling Elder to preach in their stead, and sit and lounge upon sofas for weeks together, and perhaps twenty miles form their proper field of labour. Will such persons gain any reward for their labour? Not a great one. If I hire a man to plough my field, and he, instead of going to plough, goes home to his own house, and there sits down to chat, eat, drink, and enjoy himself, he ought not to expect any pay. We are Elders in Israel, and labourers in the Lord’s vineyard. Even the Gentiles are interested in, and careful of their master’s work, although they are oppressed. When we consider the better work and wages of our Great Master, and the liberties and ease that we enjoy, when compared with the Gentiles, we should be more interested, diligent, industrious, careful, and economical with our Father’s work, in which our future welfare consists. We should reflect upon these things, and examine ourselves whether we are pliable in the hands of the Lord, and if we are pliable in His hands, we are so in the hands of His servants who are over us. It is our duty to labour to the best advantage we can devise. None of us were compelled to obey the Gospel, or to have the Priesthood, and go out to labour; but we did it voluntarily. People have some excuses from duty when they are hungry, naked, or sick; but when they are well provided for, I should think they ought to go forth and labour with their might, and accomplish something. There is nothing more needed than a thorough reformation—we want to take a fresh start, and might as well begin now.
“The meeting is now at your pleasure. May the Lord bless us, and grant us a time of rejoicing together, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
President Daniels said he rejoiced in the sentiments already expressed, and in the prospect of an improvement in the affairs of the mission. As for himself, his only interest, and whole ambition were to build up the kingdom of God. He knew that its order was not for people to mind themselves first. When such a spirit offered itself to him, he always rebuked it, and said, “I want the kingdom of God, and His righteousness first.” He said “Our President has come, and shall judge where the ‘clog’ lies. It is a fact that thousands in Wales believe the Gospel; but will not be baptized. There has been faithful preaching throughout the mission during the last year, but only a few have been baptized. Individual attempts have been made at reformation, with but little success; but I feel that this right-starting reformation will have full effect.
“In regard to my feelings towards my brethren, I can say that if my body and spirit were separated this day, and my heart laid open, not a single bad feeling towards any person on the face of this creation would be found there, although I have often felt zealous for the work of God, and have reproved my brethren. We may in one day destroy the labour of years.
I feel the necessity of being renewed and refreshed, and am willing to bow down, kiss the rod, and take it to the very extent that I deserve. My prayer is that we may have a good time—an effectual, and thorough reformation, and with it an increase of the power of God.”
Elders Israel Evans and Benjamin Ashby expressed their feelings towards the work—their endeavours during the year they had laboured in Wales—the introduction and progress of the tithing principle among the Welsh Saints. Elder Ashby dwelt long upon the faithfulness, warm-heartedness, hospitality, and liberality of the Welsh Saints, and their promptness in following good examples.
Elder William Miller and James Taylor expressed their determination to live their religion, and help to ‘kick the scales from off the eyes of the people; and to be obedient to the Priesthood.’”\ Pastor J. E. Jones, after expressing his good feelings, and his way of living, [p.292] dwelt upon the condition of the North Wales Conferences—the general poverty of the people, and the laudable economy followed by the presiding Elders, who have to travel over such an extent of territory, and endure many hardships in climbing the high and rugged mountains, the stupendous rocks, and barren country of North Wales to visit and cheer the scattered children of God. For instance, Elders William Ajax presided over the Dyffryn Conwy , and Anglesea Conferences, and travelled through the countries of Caernarvon and Anglesea. He took only three shillings from the Church in three months, supporting himself by his faith and diligence, taking a little stationary with him to sell, by which he gained a double advantage, as it was the means of introducing him to the people. The President of the Denbighshire Conference, Elder Hugh Evans, works at his trade, pays his tithing, and travels much; his predecessor, G. Roberts, did the same, and is now liberated to emigrate, but requires some aid, which the Saints are struggling to give. Elder David John presides over the Flintshire Conference, and is very economical. Elder J. Treharne, presides over the Merionethshire Conference. He travelled, preached, and endured much last year; and in the winter, when travelling was impracticable, he went to work in a quarry, earned himself clothes, and helped his Conference to make up their Temple money, and visited the Saints on Sundays. The debts of these four Conferences to the two Offices are about $100. The number of member of all sorts is about 350. The number of men and women who give pecuniary aid is about 85. Three or four resolute and persevering travelling Elders will be required to travel through North Wales during the summer time.
The song “O ye mountains high where the clear blue sky” was sweetly sung to the tune of “Minnie Gray,” and the meeting adjourned, after prayer, until two p.m.
Second Meeting, Two o’clock, p.m.
The hymn, “O, my Father, thou that dwellest,” was sung.
Prayer by President Benson.
The Minutes of the Liverpool Reformation Meeting was read.
President Benson said—”I perceive that the brethren who were absent from the forenoon meeting have arrived. I would have them pour out their whole souls, and give an account of themselves, if they are for a Reformation, which is calculated to make a clean sweep of everything forbidden in the word of God. Remember that the Word of Wisdom means what it says, and says what it means—that tea, coffee, intoxicating, strong and hot drinks, are injurious, and that they hinder us from enjoying the Spirit of the Lord as we ought. Brother Pratt and myself commenced the Reformation at the Liverpool Office; commencing at the garret, and making a clean scour down to the cellar, until it is effected. The same spirit has to be carried throughout the European Mission. We have long enough tampered with the revelations of God, and should now commence to practise them that the Lord may be with us. I know of a brother who is upon a mission to England—brother Daniel Davies—who has kept the Word of Wisdom strictly, and who has been highly blessed in consequence. When he lays his hands upon the sick they recover; and the Spirit comes upon him mightily until he prophesies. There is not a Conference in the British Mission in better order than the one over which he presides; indeed, it is the only one where I find the spirit of Zion having sole control. When I attended one of their meetings, they would be all assembled, and in order; they would not turn to gaze upon every new comer, but would give their whole attention to the speaker. When it was time to commence service, brother Davies would say, ‘President Benson, we are assembled, and are in order, the meeting is at your direction.’ I wish the Welsh presiding Elders to conduct their meetings in a similar manner, and not leave their minds to wander over all creation. Let us concentrate our minds, our feelings, our Priesthood, and power in this meeting, and be led by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If any of you feel to prophesy, or speak in tongues, do so; sing, pray, teach, or do anything that you are inspired to do; be free as the open air. If you do not feel well toward President Daniels, unbosom that feeling. If you do feel well towards him, in the name of God go forth willingly to labour under his direction, and be humble and obedient. He only is responsible for the [p.293] affairs of this mission, and he shall be held responsible, but shall not be trammelled.
“The first item we require on the carpet will be something about the reformation and its bearings, and your determination to go forth and labour earnestly until you are recalled. When brother Daniel Davies was asked when he intended to return to Zion, he answered, ‘Oh, about the time the Temple will be ready, I expect.’ If we profess to go forth to labour, let us do it unfeignedly. If I hire a man to sow wheat in my field, and he will sow tares instead, I will discharge and punish him. The Lord will do the same. He does not require us to sow death, but the words of life and salvation. If we will not do that, our President will call us back, and cut us off, and will place others in our stead.”
The minutes of the morning meeting were read.
The elders all expressed their feelings. They were agreed in their determination to reform themselves first, and then the Saints under their charge—to live nearer to the Lord, and so as to enjoy more of His Spirit, to attain which they intended to be strict in keeping the Word of Wisdom , and observe temperance, cleanliness, an upright conduct, a love of spiritual things, and eschew light conversation and trifling, and act as they had been already instructed. They determined to clean and purify the Church and rid it of those who would not live their religion. In the majority of the Conferences, it was found that only a few of those who ought to, did pay their tithing.
[Transcriber’s note: The following square brackets and paragraph are in the original.]
[It as not far from amusing to see those who had been a little “loose” with the things forbidden in the Word of Wisdom, making wry faces and “rubbing their brains” to conjecture the mildest words, to give the most favourable report of themselves. “A little,” “occasionally,” “I don’t care so much for it,” while another would say, “such a strong inclination,” &c., &c., were terms frequently used; yet, not a corn did the President’s relentless temperance pincers spare from being pinched!]
President Benson remarked that it was the duty of the Saints to pay their tithing, and that they could leave the matter of overhauling its expenditure to those who have authority to do so. The naked truth should not be modified nor disguised, but openly and frankly expressed, independent of any person’s different feelings. Such persons should not be sympathized with, but flogged and whipped until the devil comes out of them, after which, and not before, the can be controlled, and those who do it will command their highest esteem.
The elders should not make financial calculations before the solid specie is before them. It reminded him of a party in Pottawattamie, who jointly sowed a “patch of turnips,” and discussed the question of the dividing of the crop, when it would grow, pending which the grasshoppers came as lawyers and set the matter for ever at rest. Let the people be induced to pay their tithing, and then let it be disbursed as directed by the proper authority.
Elder Henry Harris gave an interesting account of his labours among the Gentiles.
Pastor J. E. Jones poke of the promptness of the North Wales Saints in paying their tithing.
Other Elders spoke on various subjects.
President Benson remarked that people are not to be coaxed into their duties. “Mormon sympathy is poor stuff for people to live upon, and if any Elder has sympathized with people who are doing wrong, it was such an Elder’s failing. “The Lord knows our failings, and the devil knows them well. This failing has been general in this place. The people have murmured, and their presiding Elders have suffered themselves to be carried away by the current of popular feeling instead of standing to their posts like men who had the Priesthood, and honouring it by teaching the naked principles of truth as they are, independent of any person’s feeling.
“When you want a thing done, and the people are not well disposed, pour in the thunder, lightning, and hail of the Spirit among them, and work them up to the proper pitch, and the thing shall be done. I feel to prophesy good of Wales, for there is yet a great work to be done here. The Welsh are a good people, and if the Elders will go among them with the proper feeling to bless them, they shall prosper. If you want a thing, say at once—’I want such a thing,’ and do not modify your speech, nor butter your lips to ask for it; rather than whip the devil around the stump, go to the plain matter at once. [p.294] If you will labour earnestly, this mission shall prosper. I want brother Daniels to go out of this printing officer and go among the people, for they greatly require his efficient labours; I would rather that this place were locked up than that he should remain here, if he cannot get any body to work here in his stead. Brother Daniels is a financier—he would wear out his fingers and hands and distress himself for the benefit of the kingdom of God. He would walk twelve or fifteen miles to save a shilling of its funds. I wish all the Elders felt the same.”
President Daniels assented to the above proposition to go out to preach more than he had done.
President Benson said—”I want the Elders to understand what spirit builds up or tears down. I wish brother Daniels’ Counsellors to live , as it were, in his very heart, and always be on hand to carry out his measures. Brother Daniels should not be afraid of asking them freely to do what he desires. If Counsellors are not humble enough they become jealous of their President, ant when they climb up equal with him they are standing in slippery places.
“When you renew your covenants, you have to live from that time forth by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God, and never bring up any old contention, but bury it; and keep strictly the Word of Wisdom. Be not too hard upon the Saints, nor yet do business at ‘loose ends.’”
After directing the Elders in the way they should labour, by putting a proper number to visit the Saints, and the over-plus to preach to the Gentiles, he dismissed the meeting.
The Elders then proceeded to the beach and were baptized in the tide. They re-assembled at eight p.m., and were confirmed, when many prophecies were delivered and blessings pronounced.
FRIDAY, 13th
Conference again convened.
Sung the Hymn, “O, say what is truth?”
Prayer by President Benson.
Hymn, “The God that others worship.”
President Benson said—”When I decided in my mind to visit Wales this time, I felt like having all the presiding Elders together in a fine airy room, somewhat larger than this, for at least three days, to fast, pray, and speak to each other, until we should get the Holy Ghost upon us to the degree we ought to enjoy it. The Lord is more willing to impart it than we are to make the necessary preparations to receive it. But we are free agents; we may choose to serve either God or the devil—to live in one kingdom or another. We have chosen God for our friend, and have shown our choice by obeying the Gospel He sent by His servants, and by making covenants with Him.
“Every individual present knows his own heart best, and the course he has been pursuing. There is not an Elder in this room but that can reflect upon his past conduct, and remember the hours, days, and weeks he has spent to no account for the Church, nor to himself, but rather as a detriment to each. You have now covenanted again, and have henceforth to live, not by a part of your religion, but by every word which shall come from the mouth of God, or the Priesthood. It is a great covenant, and the Lord will hold you to it. He did not compel you to make it, but you volunteered; you knew it was right for you to do so, just as well as you knew at first that it was your duty to obey the Gospel. You know that we could not continue to live in this Church as we have lived; for we have trampled the revelations of Jesus Christ under our feet, and have insulted the Almighty upon His throne, and He has been offended with us—eating and drinking, and idling away our time instead of being out preaching the Gospel. Every one best knows the extent of his own fault in this matter; there are some honourable exceptions. You are now going to reform—to start out anew, and we want you to aid us with all your might in knocking away the scales from the eyes of the people, and to be as diligent and faithful as we are, and more faithful if you can. Not a person must be tramelled in this Church; it is the privilege and right of each to enjoy all the light, knowledge, and power that he can obtain—to have the revelations of Jesus Christ, and be clothed with the Spirit, as with a garment, from morning until night, and from night until morning. If you will do all [p.295] you have covenanted, you shall be filled and clothed with it, and nothing shall hinder you. It is our privilege to have it, and we shall have it if we will be spiritually-minded, and love to talk of the things of the kingdom, laying aside our light fire-side talk, and vanity, and make a course never to grieve the Spirit of God, nor of our brethren. We should be as careful of each others feelings as of the apple of our eye.
“We want to live so, that we may have strength; for we have a great work to do. The work that the Lord is going to accomplish in these lands must be done by us, His servants. He will not come again, as he came before to travel, preach, and bless the people; He wants us to do it, and if we will not, He will remove us, and get men who will.
“Go, brethren, to your fields of labour with praying hearts, and, instead of eating, drinking, and idling away your time, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and understand when you enter a habitation what kind of people reside there. See if they observe order and cleanliness, and teach them to live their religion wholly, and individually. We have nothing else to do but to live and teach our religion. Preach by example and not by talking only. We have been learning theory long enough, we now want the practice! the work! the LABOUR! Brother Brigham says, ‘Labour for Zion.’ We have not any other work to do but to preach the Gospel, and administer in the ordinances of the Lord’s House. For what purpose are men called to the Priesthood if not to preach the Gospel? There are men in this land who have the Priesthood, working for the Gentiles for a miserable pittance, who could preach the Gospel ,and carry on the work here if they would be alive to their duties, so that we would not need to go to the trouble and expense of having so many Elders from Salt Lake. Their neglect is one reason why the Gospel does not prosper as it should. They are lazy, and have got rusty. They will not do anything themselves, but will whine and grunt when others do it; they are quite nimble in going about to poison the Saints and oppose good measures, and there they lie in their dirty holes. Well, we must hoist them out by the foretop, and try the virtue of soap and scrubbing brushes upon them, to clean and fit them out to go and preach to the Gentiles. If they will not magnify their Priesthood, they will become as dead branches.
“Brother Daniels will see that every one who can will go and preach to the Gentiles, without using any soft soap to induce them. It will not do for us in Salt Lake to offer excuses, nor to expect to have pancakes and treacle piled up to our chins before we can go. All about it is, if we do not go, when called, we shall go to hell. Wagons, horses, and comforts are secondary things, and if we do not have it as we wish, we must grin and bear it. One says, ‘Oh, I have a family, and they will be starved to death, if you have the cruelty to send me out.’ President Young taught me and others of the Twelve, that if we would not support our families, fit ourselves out, and go forth to preach the Gospel at our own expense, we were not worthy of having the Apostleship. Here the Elders, are all their time drilling and drilling for the Gentiles for a small sum of money, and neglecting to preach the Gospel. I want you, Presidents of Conferences, to see this done, if you wish to be blessed. We do not want to hear your whining about the people’s feelings and circumstances, but want you to go to them full of the fire of the Lord, and tell them their duties; and, if they have a particle of the Spirit of God they will do them.
“Those who will have faith and an eye single to the glory of God in going forth to preach His Gospel, will not be forsaken by him; for He will provide for their wants. Bless your souls, the Lord never sent mouths without sending something to fill them. Who feeds, clothes, and provides for us but our God? Why then should we whine, and be afraid that our families will starve!
“Brother Daniels, appoint districts for your Counsellors to labour in, that they may not come in collision; and that you may see what each is doing, go forth as much as you can yourself; I would rather that you would lock this place up than neglect going to preach to the Saints. The Conferences are too often encumbered with too many travelling Elders, who depend upon the poor Saints for their subsistence. Some will go to a Branch and into a poor Latter-day Saint’s house, eat and drink, and in the night will go to meeting, and say how good he feels with Mormons, and such things (a good reason [p.296] why he should feel good), and then go to the next place, and thus turn round like a spinning wheel, buzz, buzz, with the same old sound still. Clear them out, load them with books, and send them far among the Gentiles; and if they will not go to preach to the Gentiles, let them go to dig potatoes if they choose.
“Let the Elders go among the Gentiles, and have their subsistence from them, and the Presidents, &c., who have to visit the Saints, go also as much as possible, and not consider themselves local Elders. The responsibility of warning the inhabitants rests upon them. Don’t be afraid of venturing out among the Gentiles, the Lord will open the way before you, and provide for your wants, by dreams and visions, and by opening their hearts. It was in this manner that the Gospel was implanted in these lands. We read of Alma and Nephi going in faith right into the midst of their bitter enemies—the Lamanites, who threatened to kill the first Nephite who came among them. These men escaped by day and by night, and succeeded in bringing thousands of the Lamanites into the light of the truth. How did they succeed thus? By having the power of God. Why do we not prosper the same? Because we do not get the same power, and because the Elders have not lived their religion.
“Go forth, brethren; fast and pray, and cleanse yourselves until you get the Holy Spirit—the power of God upon you. Go, as I have many times done, with your blanket and bible to groves, rocks, and caves, and there read, pray, and fast, until you are enwrapped with the fire of the Almighty.
“When you return to your Conferences, call all the Priesthood together; declare a solemn fast. Let them confess their sins to God and to each other, repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins, after you have well pointed them out, and get them filled with the Holy Spirit. Do not desist until you get the Saints filled with it, that you may distinguish between those who will serve God, and those who will not. Baptize those who pay tithing and covenant to live their religion. Keep the Word of Wisdom, and obey the Priesthood. Do not baptize any person upon the mere promise of paying tithing. Let those who do not pay tithing, remain where they are, without grafting them in, or taking the trouble to cut them off; they will do that themselves except they will reform.”
“The Spirit of God like a fire is burning” was sung. Several Elders spoke after which President Benson expressed his satisfaction that enough had been said, sincerely trusting that all would go forth and act as they had covenanted to do. The conference was dismissed with Benediction.
- End-