Addendum to Karma Benson Parkinson’s History of Elizabeth Gollaher
In Donald Benson Alder and Elsie L. Alder, comp., The Benson Family: The Ancestory and Descendants of Ezra T. Benson (The Ezra T. Benson Genealogical Society, Inc., 1979), 231

    Grettle Owen Hansen remembers watching her grandmother, Elizabeth Gollaher Benson, comb her hair, parting it and twisting it into a bun at the back of her head.

    Elizabeth had a cedar bed and dresser, and this bed and dresser are now in the Lion House in a bedroom on the main floor so anyone can go and see it.

    Grandmother Elizabeth wore a pale blue sunbonnet and Grettle wore a white one. Lizzie Benson Owen would cold starch them and iron them on the breezeway, then the bonnets were hung in the sun.