Lucinda West Benson
In Donald Benson Alder and Elsie L. Alder, comp., The Benson Family: The Ancestory and Descendants of Ezra T. Benson (The Ezra T. Benson Genealogical Society, Inc., 1979), 224

    Lucinda West was the widow of Joseph West. She was born 22 Oct 1826 at Ulysses, Seneca, New York, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Barton. Lucinda West received her patriarchal blessing 9 Sept 1845 by Joseph William Smith in Nauvoo, Illinois. Lucinda was endowed by the name of Lucinda West at Nauvoo 21 Jan 1846, and she was sealed to Ezra T. Benson 18 March 1847 at Winter Quarters, Indian Territory. This was solemnized by Pres. Brigham Young, witnesses, Heber C. Kimball and O. Pratt.

    Joseph West was born 23 June 1822 in Venango County, New York, the son of Alva West and Sally Benedict. Joseph West became a carpenter on the Nauvoo Temple; also he was set apart as an ordinance worker in the Nauvoo Temple, 7 Feb 1846.

    Joseph West died in 1846, place unknown.

    Nothing further is known of Lucinda West Benson. It is not known whether she crossed the plains or not.

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